American Idol News – May 26, 2007

Yes, I know the season finale was last Wednesday, but surely you didn’t think that would be the last we heard from contestants or even the judges, did you? Runner-up Glad He Didn’t Win “American Idol” Sometimes when people who come in second say, “Oh, I am glad I didn’t win,” I think it is just an excuse. But I really think “American Idol” runner-up Blake Lewis isn’t that upset by his loss. He has said it was just an honor to get as far as he did. He also admitted, in a nice way though, that the winning song … Continue reading

Simon Cowell: He’s Really Not That Nasty

If you watched American Idol Tuesday night, you may have noticed a bit of controversy. Contestant Chris Robinson sang a somewhat nasally version of the country tune “Mayberry” by Rascal Flatts. While Randy and Paula said they couldn’t feel any connection between Chris and the song, Simon insisted it was nasally and a non-descript vocal. Chris argued that nasally was a form of singing. If that is true, then there is still hope for me as a singer! Anyhow, after that exchange, Chris who hails from Chesapeake, Virginia, threw in a quick note about the Virginia Tech tragedy that had … Continue reading