Actions Bring Consequences

We often hear that God is a God of love and He is. He is also a God of judgment as we see in Isaiah 3. The thing is that God’s judgment does arrive without Him first giving His people warning of what is to come if they do not change their ways. Isaiah 3:1-8 God warns He will divest Judah of leadership supports because of defiant deeds. While we might criticize these people for not listening to Isaiah’s prophecy and the warning God gave, how often do we refuse to listen to what God is saying to us? Maybe … Continue reading

What Do You Need? Part 2

Yesterday we looked at what we need as against what we want and how Jesus always had his priorities right. The crowd as well as the paralytic man must have been in shock when Jesus said, ‘My son, your sins are forgiven,’ Mark 2:5. Certainly the scribes were taken aback by this, Mark 2: 6-7. People don’t like being told they are sinners. We like to think we’re as good as the next person and better than some. We’re nice people. After all we don’t murder, or steal or do anything really wrong. Sometimes even Christian leaders shy away from … Continue reading

Life Lessons from Isaiah

The first chapter of Isaiah holds lessons not just for Judah back in Old Testament times but for us as well. Isaiah 1:1-9 Isaiah reveals the rebellion and wickedness of Judah. According to Isaiah the people had acted corruptly and abandoned the Lord and turned away from Him, verse 4. They were in rebellion against God, verse 5. Each of us needs to examine our own lives and attitudes. In what way are you and I rebelling against God and what will we do to rectify the matter? Isaiah 1:10-15 Isaiah condemns wrong sacrifices and wrong attitudes towards God. Perhaps … Continue reading

Jealousy and Its Close Relatives

Jealousy is an extremely destructive emotion that often leads to other sins. The Bible recounts a number of incidents of jealousy. Here are a few from the Old Testament. Rachel was jealous of Leah because her sister had children by Jacob and she did not, Genesis 30:1. Joseph’s brothers were jealous because Joseph was the favored son of his father, Genesis 37:11. Saul was jealous of David for the praise and popularity he had with the people, 1 Samuel 18:7-9, 16. David’s prosperity because God was with him and not Saul, 1 Samuel 18:14-15 provided another reason for Saul’s jealousy, … Continue reading

How To Deal With Guilt – Part 2

Yesterday we considered the first step in dealing with guilt, is the need to admit what we have done wrong. The glorious thing is when we confess our sins to God and truly repent of them, God removes them from His sight. ‘As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us,’ Psalm 103:12 The trouble is though God forgives us and removes our sins, we often struggle to forgive ourselves and remove them from our sight. Instead we keep going back to them as a child goes back and picks over … Continue reading

How To Deal With Guilt – Part 1

No doubt all of us have done things we’re ashamed of and wish we could erase or do over – things that make us feel guilty. That guilt can have far reaching effects on us, on our emotional and physical health and also on our relationships with others. So what can we do to deal with that guilt? And yes I know about guilt. I carried guilt around for a long time before I allowed God to help me deal with it. So what can we do to deal with guilt? The first step is to admit that what we … Continue reading

How To Deal With Anger

Yesterday we looked at whether anger is a sin. I said it was not – or not always. But it can be, if we let that anger fester and do not deal with it appropriately. It’s what we do with that anger that’s important. One of our members pointed out that not dealing with anger can cause other problems. Stress, depression, ulcers, heart problems, emotional and mental problems among other things could all fit into that category. So what can we do as Christians about inappropriate anger? The bible tells us ‘the Lord is ‘slow to anger and abounding … Continue reading

Is Anger a Sin?

Anger is an emotion many of us experience from time to time. But is anger a sin? It can be – depending on what we are angry about and what we do with that anger. But anger isn’t always a sin. It can’t be. After all we read many times that God gets angry Take a walk through any of the Old Testament books and you are likely to come up against God’s anger. Her are a few verses to get you started, Exodus 4:14, Leviticus 26:28, Numbers 11:33, Numbers 12:9, Numbers 25:4, Deuteronomy 4;25, and that’s just a few … Continue reading

I’d Never Do That!

Have you ever watched people yelling at their kids or arguing with their spouse, in a public place and thought I’d never do that? Or seen someone react to a generous offer by brushing the person’s generosity aside with a curt ‘No, I’m okay,’ and think I’d never do that? Or hear someone pay a compliment to another and hear it brushed aside by the pious comment, ‘It’s the Lord doing it.’ Do you ever see Christians in the news for all the wrong reasons as mentioned in the blog I read this morning about ‘Christians behaving badly’ and think … Continue reading

Clean, But For How Long?

Our puppy loves water. She likes nothing better than to be put in the laundry tub and bathed, unlike our other dog that runs a mile at the mere mention of the word ‘bath.’ She happily gets soaped up, rubbed and rinsed. Since she is low to the ground and is an outdoor some of the time and loves investigating everything, the bathwater ends up an interesting color. Dried and brushed, she looks adorable with her ginger fur tinged with black on ears and around her mouth and on her tail. Unfortunately she doesn’t stay clean long. Too soon she … Continue reading