TV Star Expresses Shock About Britney Spears Appearing on Sitcom

Well, that didn’t take long. Within hours of CBS announcing that Britney Spears landed a guest role on an upcoming episode of “How I Met Your Mother” the sitcom’s star went public expressing his shock about the news. “I was shocked that Madame Spears was willing to come and do some acting,” series regular Neil Patrick Harris told TV’s “Entertainment Tonight.” Instead of revealing whether or not he would be sharing scenes with the troubled pop star the 34-year-old actor focused on Spears’ lack of acting experience. “She hasn’t acted in a while,” Harris noted before adding, “This is a … Continue reading

TV Wives as Role Models: My Faves from the 1980s-Present Day

So far I listed my favorite TV role model wives from the 1950s to the 1970s. This list takes us through the eighties to current times. 1980s • Elyse Keaton (Family Ties): Her down to earth demeanor and strength of conviction helped her be the beacon her husband and kids turned to for guidance through rough waters. • Jennifer Hart (Hart to Hart): She was glamorous, stunning, stylish, and smart and she got to have all these amazing adventures catching bad guys with her dashing, devoted husband. • Roseanne Connor (Roseanne): This one straddles both the eighties and nineties since … Continue reading

TV Wives as Role Models: My Faves from the 1950s-1970s

Since November is National Inspirational Role Model Month, I thought it’d be fun to list some television wives I’ve admired over the years. Even though they are TV wives, in a TV world where everything’s scripted and a happy ending is assured, there’s wisdom and inspiration to be gleaned from their foibles, mishaps, and messes nonetheless. Because conflict, confrontation, and duress are guaranteed at some point during the half hour or hour time slot in which their shows run. That’s what makes it entertaining: to see how they’ll deal with, and eventually overcome, the problems they’re faced with. I’ve listed … Continue reading

To Russia With Love

Have you ever seen versions of American sitcom classics aired in foreign countries? I once saw an episode of NBC’s hit, “Friends” dubbed in German. I practically split my spleen watching Ross yell at Rachel in baritone German (his lips kept flapping long after the German voice stopped). But now, Russia is taking American television sitcoms and doing more than just dubbing over their native tongue. According to news reports Russia is out to find its own Brooke Shields to star in a new, local-language version of the sitcom “Suddenly Susan.” Do you remember the show? It aired on NBC … Continue reading

The Office: Truly an American Workplace

Oddly enough, when picking a “favorite” television show, I usually fall headfirst in love with dramas that are borderline sci-fi or fantasy. After all, last season, my love for Lost began. Years before that, it was X-Files. In its first two seasons, I was a huge Smallville fan. So this year, I’ve found myself at an odd place. My favorite TV show this year doesn’t feature unseen island monsters or aliens that may or may not be alien-like in appearance. No. The strangest thing about this series is probably a character by the name of Dwight Schrute. And he may … Continue reading