Singing Time in Primary

The very best part of sharing time, for me, is when we sing the primary songs. The day came in my life when I was called to be the Primary Chorister – now, here’s the cool part. When I lead music my hand tends to stutter, meaning I lose the count and then my hand stutters in trying to get back to where I’m supposed to be. Did you know that little kids just don’t care about that? How cool is that? Let me tell you how I went about getting the children to learn songs I didn’t have time … Continue reading

Primary Time: Teaching Primary Songs

When I put my kids to bed at night, I will sing to them. It seems to help to soothe them, especially my son, and lets them know, it really is bedtime. I have memories of my mom singing me to sleep with “I Am a Child of God.” When I was pregnant with my first child, I began to sing the song to her while she was in the womb. She calls it her “Stop Crying” song. When she was two, the children sang it in the Primary program, and she stood up on her chair and shouted, “They’re … Continue reading

Passover – Seder and Haggadah

The main part to Passover is the Seder. The word Seder means order and if you have ever been to a Passover Seder, you have observed the order which is followed. It begins with speaking and teaching about the Seder plate and what each symbol means and ends with songs and praises about celebrating next Pesach in Jerusalem (for the Jews in America). In the US, Jews celebrate with a Passover Seder for the first two nights while in Israel, Jews only celebrate for one night. The Haggadah is the book which is read at the Seder table and explains … Continue reading