Who Are the Birthparents who Place Children for Adoption? Part One

Who are the birthparents who make an adoption plan for their children? Ed and Anna have spoken in their blogs of some of the issues of birthparents who have had their parental rights terminated and/or relinquished them after having their kids placed in foster care. But who are the birthparents who voluntarily choose adoption? And why do they do it? I would never presume to speak for all birthparents. Each situation is different. Here are some scenarios I’m aware of in different countries. Keep in mind that things are changing rapidly in many countries. This blog, Part One, will deal … Continue reading

Pop Culture Potpourri

Fashion trends, toy trends, and a unique trend of finding the silver lining in gray clouds tops today’s Pop Culture Potpourri blog. FASHION FORWARD? South Korea has always been known for its conservative laws, but now, news reports from the country have announced a major breakthrough in a rule that deals with fashion: Hot pants and miniskirts will soon be legal in South Korea! According to several media outlets, the news is true. The country is in the final stages of revising an indecency law that prohibits people from wearing revealing outfits. Ruler-wielding police enforced the law during authoritarian governments … Continue reading