Inexpensive Bathroom Cleaners and Tools

How can you get your bathroom clean without spending a fortune on harsh chemicals that don’t do much anyway? Here are my best picks for bathroom cleaners, based on value and effectiveness. Comet Comet cleanser has been around since, well, I don’t know when. But I do remember my mother using it all of the time. A can of this cleanser is less than a dollar. It contains a little but of bleach and is great for cleaning up stains on tile, including water stains and mildew. Toothbrush An old toothbrush is my favorite tool for bathroom cleaning. You can … Continue reading

Fitting in the Spring Cleaning

With three young children and a work-at-home job, it can be difficult to get the spring cleaning underway. As much as I would love to take a weekend to just complete it all at one time, that is nearly impossible. So I find myself sneaking up on the spring cleaning here and there as I can. Today, I actually started with a bit of the actual cleaning part of the spring cleaning. I have been organizing and de-cluttering along the way in the last two weeks, but outside of normal day to day cleaning, very little deep cleaning has been … Continue reading

Spring Cleaning is a Family Affair

Well, my obsession with spring cleaning is finally being noticed by the rest of my family, especially my husband. I approached the subject yesterday and mentioned how this year I really needed the whole family to pull together to get it done. While I normally handle the bulk if not all of the spring cleaning myself, this year it has to be different. We’ve been in our new home for almost two years now. Much of the cleaning and repairing time has been ongoing since then. The first few months saw a flurry of cleaning, because the house had been … Continue reading

Preparing for Spring Cleaning

I have to start my spring cleaning early around here. Between caring for young children at home and working at home around their schedules, it can take a while to get everything done. In addition, my plans for spending an entire weekend getting it out of the way usually butts up against all of the spring home improvement projects that my husband has on his list. And the coming of the nicer weather makes us all want to be outside to enjoy it. So, I’ve been sneaking up on spring cleaning this week by getting as much of my preparation … Continue reading

Save Money While Spring Cleaning: Use What You Have

As you might have seen from my blog post in the Home Blog, I am ready to start our spring cleaning. The weather may not exactly be cooperating, but hey, there are still some things that I can get done. One of the great ways to save on spring cleaning is to use what you already have, or at the very least, what you can obtain for little money. Makes sense, or should I say cents? Right? Forget wasting those expensive paper towels and store bought cleaners. Look around your home and see what will work well to clean and … Continue reading

Spring Cleaning Time

Today it is chilly again, although I am afraid that I am already considering it to be spring. You see, we had two days this past weekend in which the temperatures “soared” into the early 70s. The snowdrops are already blooming in the yard, we had our first trip to the playground, and the town has already sent out its flyer about the annual Daffodil Days event. So, even though I am sitting her with cold hands listening to our baseboard heating system click and clack, I know in my heart that it is time to do the spring cleaning. … Continue reading

My Spring Cleaning the Master Closet 2

Come with me and help me spring clean my master closet. Add your tips in the comment section. I’m going through clothing right now, but there is more ahead. So, we are still in my master closet, and regarding clothing, I also got rid of items that needed repair. Since I hadn’t bothered to repair anything in years, there was probably very little chance that I would have the motivation to do so any time soon. Maybe it is wasteful not to repair the skirt with the pulled out hem, for example, but it is just as wasteful to leave … Continue reading

My Spring Cleaning the Master Closet

The closets in your home can hide many interesting things. This week, I am taking the time to go through all of the closets in our home to de-clutter and organize these spaces. And does anyone need a nice suede skirt or a collection of scrunchies from the 80s? The first closet I attacked on my self-appointed mission was own own master closet. This closet is not only the keep of the clothes that belong to my husband and the clothes that belong to myself, but it is also the keeper of a number of other things, such as the … Continue reading

New Uses for Washcloths

Do you use wash cloths? If you have a bunch that are just sitting there, why not turn them into something useful? This morning, I decided to do a little spring cleaning of our linen closet. One thing that struck me was the amount of wash cloths that we have. There were probably 20 or more of them. Now, having a lot of washcloths could be a good thing if you use them, since it is recommended that you only use a washcloth once and then launder it. But, the fact remains that we seldom use wash cloths. I can … Continue reading

Even More Spring Cleaning Tips

Are you ready for more spring cleaning tips? We have got you covered, from brightening up old yellowing appliances to removing water stains from wood furniture. Get started now, and with these tips, you house will be shining before you know it. To clean dry spots on the carpet, such as mud, first vacuum away any loose soil or material. Then, wet the spot with spot cleaner or water and blot it with a clean, white cloth. Dust wall paper by tying a dust cloth over a broom and dusting from the top of the walls down. To brighten up … Continue reading