A Thomas Jefferson Education

Recently, a method of education was brought to my attention which grabbed my interest. The method is a purposeful approach to education with the goal of creating independent and creative minds. That method is the Thomas Jefferson Education. When I embarked on homeschooling, my goal was to educate my children in an environment that fostered creativity, independence and critical thought. Through the years, I have adopted many different methods to fit different learning styles or phases of my children’s lives. While there is merit in that approach, I have recently discovered a path that transcends the ages and stages of … Continue reading

Upcoming Genealogy Events – Week of July 8, 2012

Will you be attending a genealogy conference, workshop, or event this week? There are plenty of them going on. All you have to do is find on that is located near you. This blog has a quick list of some of the genealogy events that are going on this week. On July 10, 2012, the Harris County Library, which is located in Cypress, Texas, will host a genealogy seminar. It will be presented by Kimberly Gay, resident academic reference librarian. She will discuss new research practices to use with genealogy. This is for library patrons who want to research their … Continue reading

Genealogy Podcast Roundup – Week of April 16, 2012

Once a week, the Genealogy Podcast Roundup brings you brand new episodes of your favorite genealogy podcasts. This is also a good place to find genealogy podcasts that are new to you and podcasts that are not always about genealogy but have done a random episode that relates to it. Genealogy Gems released an episode on April 16, 2012. This is episode number 130 and it is called “RootsMagic 5, APG, the 1940 Census and more”. In this episode, Lisa Louise Cooke points out that the April episode of Family Tree Magazine podcast is available. She mentions her new article … Continue reading

Genealogy Podcast Roundup – Week of March 19, 2012

Once a week, the Genealogy Podcast Roundup brings you brand new episodes of podcasts that discuss subjects and issues that relate to genealogy. Often, the episodes come from podcasts that focus exclusively on genealogy. Sometimes, it will be random episode from a podcast that isn’t always about genealogy. GeneaBloggers has an episode that was released on March 16, 2012. This episode is called “Tracing Your Irish Roots”. The episode is hosted by Thomas MacEntee, and co-hosted by Jennifer Geraghty-Gorman (from “’On a flesh and bone foundation’ : An Irish History blog”). Special guests include Donna Moughty, a professional genealogist who … Continue reading

Disney Cruises in 2012 and 2013

I haven’t reported as much on the Disney Fantasy as I did on the Disney Dream. The latest in the Disney fleet makes its maiden voyage in just a few weeks and yet this is the first that I’m reporting on it. That’s because there hasn’t been a lot to say; the Fantasy is quite similar to the Dream. It’s beefed up a bit, but it’s basically a bigger, fancier version of the Dream. Now the Fantasy is set to make its first trips, however, and the time has come to talk about it. For the first time a christening … Continue reading

Upcoming Genealogy Events – Week of January 15, 2012

It is always fun to take a class, attend a workshop, or participate in an event that is about your favorite hobby: genealogy! It can be interesting to learn more about the heritage of your ancestors. There are events taking place all across the United States. If you don’t see one on this list that is near where you live, then I would suggest checking out your local newspaper for more. On January 16, 2012, the Tulsa Genealogy Society, will hold free genealogy classes at the Briar Village Shopping center, which is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. You must register if … Continue reading

Genealogy Podcast Roundup – Week of December 19, 2011

The Genealogy Podcast Roundup is a weekly blog that brings you the latest episodes of your favorite genealogy podcasts. Every so often, a new genealogy podcast will be added to the blog. Starting this week, you will have a brand new Polish Genealogy podcast to look forward to. Genealogy Gems released an episode on December 10, 2011. This episode is called “Taking Family History to Young and Old in the Community”. They cover a lot of genealogy related news in this episode, including: new apps from Ancestry.com, new imagery on Google Earth, new podcasts from The National Archives, new Irish … Continue reading

Genealogy Podcast Roundup – Week of September 20, 2011

Every week, the Genealogy Podcast Roundup brings you new and interesting episodes of podcasts that focus on different aspects of genealogy. This quick list makes it easy for you to find the newest episode of your favorite genealogy podcast, as well as some new ones that you may want to listen to. Genealogy Gems released episode number 118 on September 17, 2011. The title of this episode is “Grandmas and Grandpas, Free Transcription Software, PERSI, and more”. There is a lot going on in this episode! The hosts want you to call the show, and tell the unusual terms of … Continue reading

Genealogy Podcast Roundup – Week of September 13, 2011

The weekly Genealogy Podcast Roundup brings you new and interesting episodes of podcasts that focus on different aspects of genealogy. This quick list allows you to easily find the episodes that you are interested in listening to, and to find out when your favorite podcasts have updated. Genealogy Gems released episode number 117 on September 6, 2011. This episode is called “Should Your Genealogy Research Flourish?” They discuss a “picnic”, and some news about Archives.com. Some listener email is answered, and Dear MYRTLE makes a guest appearance to talk about the “fl” abbreviation, and the Pensions Quilt. African Roots Podcast … Continue reading

Genealogy Podcast Roundup – Week of August 16, 2011

It’s time to check out some brand new episodes of your favorite genealogy podcasts! Every week, the Genealogy Podcast Roundup brings you a list of awesome genealogy related podcasts for you to enjoy. Family Tree Magazine Podcast eleased episode number 39 on August 16, 2011. Family Tree University instructor Jim Beidler brings you a crash course in German genealogy. Other topics include: the benefits of heritage societies, and an introduction to the Genlias website of Dutch records. You can also find out about Family Tree Magazine’s photo contest! The Genealogy Guys has an episode that was released on August 14, … Continue reading