Stake Activity: Creche Exhibit

The holiday season is fully upon us. It is important to remember to focus on the Savior and his birth during this time of year. My stake has a wonderful activity that you may want to consider doing in your ward or stake. Every year during the first weekend of December the stake puts on a Crèche (Nativity) display. The event is open to the public and takes quite a bit of work. It is a wonderful outreach tool, and you can really feel the spirit as you are there. The stake has a committee in charge of the Crèche … Continue reading

Stake Activity: Film Festival

One stake activity that would be fun is to have a stake film festival. This is basically a twist on the road show activities that have been done in the past. The activity will be fun and creative and can involve a lot of different ward members. You may want to focus on having the youth involved because they can pass of many different goals and values experiences by participating in this. The Boy Scouts have a Cinematography merit badge that can be passed off easily by completing this assignment. Here are some guidelines to make it a fun a … Continue reading