Some Days I Wish I Was Invisible

Sometime ago a prospective adoptive parent wrote to the forums with a concern. She was considering keeping her child’s adoption secret from extended family. She mentioned that she didn’t want them to be always judging how she acted with the child, how she disciplined, whether she was doing the same thing with her adopted child as she had with her biological child. Most of the time I am out in public I react to my kids without thinking about adoption, which is as it should be. Occasionally I wonder afterward what people may be thinking. Today was one of those … Continue reading

Christmas Gifts to Help Your Family Stay in Touch

If you live far away from your relatives, Christmas is a time that can bring you closer together. As parents you may be looking for gifts that will help your children connect with their grandparents. Technology has opened many new doors to make this a much easier process. Here are five gifts that you can give to help your family stay more connected. In later blogs I will list specific suggestions on how to better utilize these gifts to stay in touch with each other. 1) If you do not already have a web cam this is a great gift … Continue reading