Stuffing Summer’s Harvest

I consider myself very fortunate that despite not having a very green thumb my home is rarely without homegrown produce in the summertime. My friend and former colleague has a gigantic garden and generously shares the fruits of her labor every couple of weeks. This week we got to share in her bumper crop of green bell peppers. Consequently, I have been scouring my recipe books looking for pepper recipes. (After all, there’s only so many times I can add fresh bell peppers to salads without getting tired of doing so.) The peak season for green bell peppers falls between … Continue reading

Oven Classics: Prosciutto Stuffed Chicken Breasts and Couscous Stuffed Peppers

I am counting down the days until I can stop being a slave to my oven and instead head outdoors to the grill. We started off the week with snow and freezing temperatures so my plans to shift to a summer menu have been put on the back burner for now. The inclement weather still has me utilizing my oven on a daily basis, though I am hoping that I won’t have to prepare the following recipes for much longer. I call these two recipes my “oven classics” because they end up in my menu rotation at least twice a … Continue reading

Mexican Stuffed Peppers

For this recipe, you will need four large green or red sweet peppers (which ever you prefer), olive oil, one small onion, celery stalks, cumin, chili powder, basil, oregano, brown rice, red kidney beans (cooked), cayenne pepper, canned diced tomatoes, and tomato paste. To prep for this recipe, chop enough of your onion to make 1 cup. Dice two celery stalks. Cook enough brown rice to make two cups. Open the can of red kidney beans and drain the juice off them. Wash the four peppers and then cut them in half. Remove the seed from inside. Place a rack … Continue reading