Reaching Today’s Youth

I’m really excited to be starting a small series of blogs focusing on today’s youth. I will be attending various successful children’s and youth ministries in my home church and blogging on each experience. My hope in observing is to learn about what it is that draws kids today to a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ. I want to know what tools the youth and children’s pastors and teachers are using as means to reach out and impact the hearts of our young generations. I want to know what works and how I can make a difference in the lives … Continue reading

The LDS Families Week in Review: January 28th – February 3rd

Sunday School The Sunday school lesson for this week centered around John 3-4. We examined various parts of the lesson throughout the week. In Spiritually Reborn, we looked at the need to not only be baptized but to be ‘born again’ of the spirit. In Because of the Simpleness of the Way, we talked about the relative simplicity of casting our eyes – and our whole beings – on Christ, and following the paths He walked. In A Well of Living Water, we talked about Christ’s meeting with the Samaritan woman at the well, and how we, too, can draw … Continue reading

The LDS Families Week In Review: January 21-27

It’s always nice to wrap up the week and summarize, especially if you’ve missed our blogs (I know you’d never do that)! As we start getting ready for Sunday, let’s take a look at what we’ve covered getting ready for our lessons. Sunday School We started off the week by examining the mission of John the Baptist in Prepare His Way and Making His Paths Straight. John helped prepare those he preached to for the mortal ministry of Christ. We took a look at how we can help prepare those around us for His second coming. In Unquenchable Fire, we … Continue reading

RS/EQ: The Life and Ministry of Spencer W. Kimball

Next week, we’ll be starting the new manual for the Teachings of the Presidents of the Church. I, personally, am very excited, as I really love this year’s prophet, President Spencer W. Kimball. Although President Hinckley has been the prophet for the entire time I have been a member of the church, I read The Miracle of Forgiveness early in my membership and found it quite inspiring. Since then, I have read and reread it on a frequent basis. I love President Kimball’s up-front, straight-forward way of speaking, and have a strong testimony that he was called as a prophet … Continue reading

Five Helps for Sunday School Teachers

If you are a Sunday school teacher you may be struggling with how much you need to prepare each week. You may also be wondering how to vary the lessons and to make them more interesting. Another problem area may be encouraging class participation. The methods that you will use vary widely if you are teaching fifteen-year-olds versus Gospel Doctrine. The church does recommend that you stick to church published materials, and that you stay as close to the lesson topics as possible. Here are five tips for making your Sunday school lessons more effective. 1) Prepare in advance. If … Continue reading

Dinner Discussions Week 44

The dinner discussion topics are pulled from lesson forty-four in the manuals. You may need to adjust according to your ward’s schedule. Remember to keep the discussions positive and as fun as possible. This is a time reinforce the principles they have learned, and you should do it in positive way. If you have a child in nursery or Sunbeams she learned about how she can help at church. The children learned about Nephi building the boat and how he needed his family’s help to complete the task. The children learned about the different people who help at church (the … Continue reading

Dinner Discussions Week 42

This week’s dinner discussions are based on lesson forty-two in the manuals. You may need to adjust the discussions according to the schedule you are on. Remember to keep the lessons positive and upbeat. This is a time to reinforce the principles being taught at church in your home. If you have a child in nursery or CTR 4, she learned about belonging to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She learned about how our church has the Priesthood, a prophet and the scriptures. You may want to talk as a family about the benefits of the priesthood, … Continue reading

Dinner Discussions for Week 29

This week’s dinner discussion ideas are from lesson twenty-nine in all of the manuals. Be sure that as you discuss the lessons with your family you keep the discussion fun and instructive. You do not want to put extra pressure on your children. Nursery children and Sunbeams learned about repenting, and the importance of saying you are sorry when you make a mistake. The scripture story used is the story of Alma the Younger repenting after the angel visited him. You may want to review the story. You may also want to share a time when you said you were … Continue reading

Teaching Sunday School

One calling in the church is that of Sunday School teacher. This calling focuses on teaching the youth and adults from the scriptures each year. The curriculum rotates from Old Testament to New Testament to Book of Mormon to Church History/Doctrine and Covenants each year. This can be an intimidating calling if you feel as though you do not have a firm grasp on the scriptures. You do have an accompanying manual each year, which will guide you through the different topics you are teaching. If you are called to teach the youth you will face a unique challenge. The … Continue reading

Noah’s Ark and other Animal Crafts

Many little children love animals. If your kids do too, they will have fun making these cute and easy projects. Just keep a close eye on little ones so they don’t eat their artwork! Noah’s Ark Items Needed: 2 paper plates Hole punch Ribbon or string Scissors Glue Paint Animal crackers Directions: 1. Cut one paper plate in half. 2.Cut a half circle from the top of the other plate, leaving at least a 1″ edge for the roof of the Ark. 3. Punch evenly spaced holes along the bottom, going through both plates. Thread ribbon through holes, tying knots … Continue reading