How Much Does A Courthouse Researcher Make?

This is a mini-series on becoming a courthouse researcher. If you haven’t heard of that job before, or if you missed the first part of this series, make sure to start reading here. Otherwise, read on! The first day as a courthouse researcher, I made a whopping $4 an hour. The second day, that hourly wage crept up to $7 an hour. That made me feel pretty good, because that meant I was making over minimum wage. I went back later that week, and my hourly wage went up again, this time to roughly $9 an hour. That made me … Continue reading

My Embarrassing Trip to the Courthouse, Part Two

Make sure to read Part One if you haven’t already… Once I finally got the right office (they were right–it was the Registrar of Deeds) the office lady showed me where the two public access computers were at. I asked her how to find the info that I needed, and after some back and forth between us (she had never tried to find mortgages by date like I was trying to do) we finally figured out what I needed to do. At which point I promptly made my second mistake: I got my training mixed up and thought that I … Continue reading

My Embarrassing Trip to the Courthouse, Part One

Yesterday, I talked about a job that may be the perfect fit for you: Researching info at courthouses. If you missed that blog, you’ll definitely want to read it before you read this blog. 🙂 I had been to my courthouse before to file some small claims cases for the bricks and mortar job I had had previously, so when I was told by Sunlark (the courthouse research company) to go to the courthouse, I thought, “Okay, I can do that.” I went upstairs to the Magistrate office, laptop clutched in my sweaty hands, nervous as a thief in the … Continue reading