Free-Thinking Female Celebs Speak Their Minds

If you’ve always dreamed of running into award-winning actress Susan Sarandon on the streets of L.A. or New York you better hope that Republican John McCain doesn’t win November’s presidential election. If not your chances of seeing Sarandon and her longtime partner Tim Robbins anywhere in the United States is slim to none. At least according to Sarandon. The outspoken movie star recently vowed to leave the United States with her family if either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton doesn’t replace George W. Bush in the White House. Though, if she had her choice Sarandon says she would prefer to … Continue reading

Paris and The Anti-Paris

With celebutantes like Paris Hilton floating around Hollywood it’s hard to grasp that there are a number of other famous 20-somethings who are making names for themselves in ways that don’t land them in a 12-foot jail cell for 21 days. I’ll get to one of them in a moment. First, though, as long as I’m using her name in yet another blog I might as well give you the latest on the millionaress. In a recent interview done with Elle UK, the 26-year-old hotel heiress claims she is prepping her body for an effort to have children by next … Continue reading