Ten Ways to Help Your Child with Tourette Syndrome Succeed in School

Children with Tourette syndrome (TS) often face a hostile, unkind world in the public school system. Teachers can be impatient with the tics and peers can be cruel and insulting. What happens in the classroom, and how the tics are handled, can seriously impact the life of this special child. Here are ten classroom accommodations which can help your child with Tourette Syndrome (or other tic disorders) succeed in school: 1. Select a good teacher. The teacher should be carefully chosen. He or she should be patient, understanding, and knowledgeable about TS. The teacher should have a private meeting with … Continue reading

Tourette Syndrome: How Much Do You Know?

You’ve heard of Tourette syndrome, but the media has sent many confused messages about this disorder. The more people are educated on the nature of TS the more likely it is that sufferers can have some normalcy in their lives. As human beings we tend to treat others with greater compassion when we have greater understanding. So how much do you really know about this condition? Answer these questions, true or false, and rate your knowledge: 1. It is estimated that in every school in America, at least one student has Tourette Syndrome (TS). (T/F) 2. Tourette Syndrome is diagnosed, … Continue reading