TV’s in Children’s Bedrooms (2)

I observed firsthand the problems of having TV’s in children’s bedrooms back when my daughter was in elementary school. One of the girls in her Year 4 class had one in her bedroom and she was the envy of her peers. Naturally this girl boasted about her new-found televisual independence and I’m sure there were cries of “I want one, too!” in more than our household. When I found out this girl’s older sister in Year 8 also had her own TV, as well as her younger brother in Year 3, it became almost like a scientific experiment for me. … Continue reading

TV’s in Children’s Bedrooms (1)

I’m not a fan of TV’s in children’s bedrooms and I know not everyone will agree with me on this one, but it’s not only my personal preference. The detrimental effects of televisions in children’s bedrooms have long been a topic of interest among psychologists. The invention of the television has had a major impact on family life since it was introduced in the middle of the last century. Where once it was the norm for families to gather around the dining table at the end of the day, these days parents have to make that simple occurrence a rule … Continue reading