Gloves, Hats, and Necklaces – Craft Ideas for Tea Parties

What’s a tea party without gloves? I have several ideas for decorating gloves, depending on the age group of your guests and how many adult helpers you have. If you are lucky you can sometimes find old dress gloves at thrift stores and garage sales. If you can’t find them or don’t want to glue things to almost antique clothing, gloves meant for keeping lotion on your hands, or those one size fits all stretch gloves that cost about a dollar work just fine too. Plain gloves are fine and will feel fancy to the children. But gloves with decorations … Continue reading

Tea Party Birthday Parties

Tea party themed birthday parties can be loads of fun, and aren’t hard to put together. For invitations consider a teacup-shaped card with a string and tag attached mimicking a tea bag. You can write your party details on the tag and on the cup. Dressing up is the most fun part. You can invite your guest to come dressed up, or consider it a party activity. Position a mirror in the party room so the girls can see how they look. Provide boas, tiaras, and loads and loads of beaded necklaces and bracelets. Thrift stores and garage sales are … Continue reading