Ted Kennedy Dead at 77

Wow, how do you even start a blog about someone like Ted Kennedy, who passed away yesterday at the age of 77 from brain cancer? He’ served nine terms as a senator for the state of Massachusetts. If you have no idea how long that is, Ted Kennedy got that position a year before I was born and I turned 46 this year. Known as the Lion of the Senate, he is in third place for longest serving senator (only behind Strom Thurmond and Robert Byrd). Since it would be virtually impossible to document Ted Kennedy’s life in a blog … Continue reading

Rush Limbaugh’s Thoughts on the Obama Administration and Caroline Kennedy Drops Out of the Senate Ra

Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh has already started in on Barack Obama and he has only been president for two days. Well, actually, I don’t listen to Limbaugh, but I am sure he has been talking trash about Obama for months now. But now, Limbaugh is doing what he does best – causing controversy. Last week, Limbaugh was asked by a major print publication what his hope for the Obama presidency was. What was Limbaugh’s response? The publication asked for 400 words, but Limbaugh told them he only needed our – “I hope he fails.” He went on to … Continue reading

This Week in History – July 1969

Right before we hit the Seventies, with its Watergate, disco, and leisure suits, there was 1969. Let’s see what was happening in the world this week in July: Senator Ted Kennedy pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of a fatal auto accident in what now has become known as the Chappaquiddick incident. His Secretary Mary Jo Kopechne was killed when the car Senator Kennedy was driving left the road and plunged into the channel between Chappaquiddick Island and Martha’s Vineyard. While Senator Kennedy made it out alive, Mary Jo did not. As for the war in Vietnam, 53% of the … Continue reading

Ted Kennedy to Pen His Memoirs

Well, this could be REALLY interesting. The last surviving brother of the famed Kennedy clan is writing his memoirs. While the amount paid is unknown, some speculate that Ted’s price is comparable to that of Hillary Rodham Clinton for her “Living History” ($8 million) and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair for his upcoming memoirs ($9 million). Kennedy said he decided to write the book because “I’ve been fortunate in my life to grow up in an extraordinary family and to have a front row seat at many key events in our nation’s history.” Yeah, I guess he could say … Continue reading