Managing Tension Headaches

If you’re like me, you are no stranger to headaches. Up to eighty percent of all adults experience tension headaches. Call them what you will: stress headaches, daily headaches, muscle contraction headaches — they all stink. I used to get tension headaches frequently in my last job, and I blamed them on a lot of things. It was the fluorescent lights. It was the pressure of the deadlines. It was the critical coworkers. Tension headaches are usually caused by environmental or internal stress, and I was getting both at the office. You may get your tension headaches infrequently — maybe … Continue reading

Types of Headache

All headaches can be put into one of two categories: primary and secondary. Secondary headaches develop as result of an illness or injury. Head trauma, fever, and sinus infections can all cause secondary headaches. So can a cold or flu, strep throat, ear infection, or certain medications. You may even see a headache caused by more serious illnesses like meningitis or temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ) and other jaw-related problems. Primary headaches develop by themselves, instead of as an effect of an injury or illness. A tension or stress headache is a primary headache. You may feel a tightening or pressure … Continue reading