How to Have a Thrilling Thanksgiving

If your idea of a thrilling Thanksgiving consists of fishing Aunt Louise’s dentures out of the mashed potatoes and safeguarding your fine crystal from your overzealous uncle, who insists he’s a professional juggler after a few cocktails, then I have two words for you: Universal Studios. For the first time since opening in 1964, Universal Studios Hollywood will be open on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Ditch your dysfunctional relatives and head to a place where the thrills and chills don’t involve your wedding china. The amusement park has long been a favorite destination for families to celebrate special occasions. In … Continue reading

An Unbelievable Deal for Holiday Travelers

Now here’s something you don’t hear everyday… a popular company giving you an early holiday gift. If you don’t love Maxwell House coffee now you just might after hearing what they are doing to help holiday travelers save a couple bucks on the way to grandma’s house this Thanksgiving. As part of a nationwide campaign aimed as “brewing some good” the coffee company is picking up the tab for all motorists at toll plazas in eight U.S. cities-—Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Miami, and Pittsburgh—-between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, traditionally known as the busiest … Continue reading

Tricky Turkey Day Travel

If your Thanksgiving holiday travel plans call for you to board a plane to grandma’s house in the next few days, know that you will have lots and lots of company. The Air Transport Association (ATA) is estimating that roughly 27 million passengers will take to the skies beginning tomorrow and continuing for the next 12 days. The ATA is also anticipating an average of more than 2.5 million passengers a day on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and the Sunday and Monday after the holiday. So, what does that mean for you? To begin with, you can expect longer-than-usual lines … Continue reading

Thanksgiving Weekend Getaway Deals for Families with Children

I’ve dedicated an entire series of blogs to alternative Thanksgiving destinations. In this blog I am focusing on families who are trying to make the most of their children’s Thanksgiving break from school. Once you’ve stuffed yourselves with protein and pie you might consider making post-Turkey Day memories at a resort or theme park. Lucky for you it’s not too late to find an affordable Thanksgiving travel deal. The following packages cater to families with children by offering kid-friendly activities and amenities. For a weekend of family fun check out the following: MINNESOTA If you have children between the ages … Continue reading

Unique Thanksgiving Travel Destinations

In my previous blog I mentioned that not everyone is planning to load up the family to go over the river and through the woods to grandma’s house for a lavish turkey spread this Thanksgiving. In fact, some families forgo the entire conversation-over-cranberry sauce tradition all together and opt for an extended holiday weekend shushing down the slopes in Colorado or feasting on pheasant in Hawaii. If you are looking for alternative locales to spend your Thanksgiving holiday consider some of these options: LAS VEGAS The glitz and glam of Sin City may be the antithesis of grandma’s chatskie-filled dining … Continue reading