Marriage During the Great Depression

Yesterday I wrote about how I’m bracing my marriage for a depression. I also admitted that I’m afraid of what’s to come…but that I’m going to face that fear head on and find a way to make all this benefit my marriage. I’m still not entirely sure how I’m going to do that, but I figured knowledge is power so my best bet is to start off arming myself with some of that. Researching the Great Depression If only my grandparents were still alive. Both sets survived the Great Depression. They could advise me how they made it, maybe give … Continue reading

The Man Who Walked the Earth – Ian Wallace

The setting is the 1930s, in the midst of the Great Depression. Our narrator is a young man whose father has set off to find work. The day he left, the mother told the son to set an extra plate at the table, in case someone came by for dinner. They lived out in the middle of nowhere, so such a thing would be unlikely, but he did as he was told. He put out an extra plate every single day for eight months, at every meal. They hoped that wherever their father was, someone had set a place for … Continue reading