Are They Looking for the Greatest American Dog or Trainer?

Even before a reader left a comment on one of my “Greatest American Dog” articles about how could I buy the junk the show’s trying to sell us, I was already starting not to like certain things about the show. I’ll address more of those in a separate article to follow later, but for now I’ll talk about my main gripe: it seems they’re not so much looking for the greatest American dog as they are the greatest American trainer. Because forget what happens in the Dog Bone Challenge, it all comes down to how well the owner worked with … Continue reading

“A Dog is Not a Barbie Doll.” (and Other “Greatest” Quotes)

Recently I wrote about how I’m loving the new reality show “The Greatest American Dog.” One of the reasons I find it so endearing is because of the people. Both the dog owners and the judges. I‘ve only watched one episode (the second, because I missed the first), but that one episode spoke volumes about the experience of being a dog owner and dog lover. There were three quotes in particular that really grabbed me. Quote #1 “She’s not a pet, she’s a companion.” Bill about his dog Star. That one isn’t word for word, but it’s the general idea. … Continue reading

Loving “The Greatest American Dog!”

Judge me as you may, but I’ll confess: I’m nuts for reality TV. Not all reality TV shows, mind you. Some are even too dumb for me. But I have my faves that I’ve watched faithfully from season one: Survivor, The Amazing Race, The Mole, Ghost Hunters, and The Hills. This summer I have a new one to add to the list: The Greatest American Dog. Because of my problem watching animals on TV or in film, I wasn’t sure how I’d take to the show. I also wasn’t sure I liked the idea very much. One greatest American dog? … Continue reading

The Search for the Greatest American Dog

The other night I saw a preview for a new show that’ll premier on CBS this summer called “The Greatest American Dog.” From what I can tell it’s an American Idol-like contest for dogs. Except not geared so much to their singing talent as their brain ability. The Premise It looks like producers scoured the dog-loving free world for any and all kinds of talented dogs. They picked 12 to live together in a house and compete for “Greatest American Dog” honors. I’m still not sure if they’re going to do an American Idol like start to the series where … Continue reading