Mending Marriage Miscommunications

Yesterday was pretty typical in the life of a young Mormon mommy. I spent all my time breaking up fights, trying not to cry as mess after mess was cleaned up (by me) and recreated (by the children). By the time my husband got home, I was ready for a time-out (for me). I went into the bedroom and treated myself to a book. A couple of hours later, my husband came in. He’d put the children to bed, the house was quiet, and I felt much refreshed. I thanked him for the wonderful reprieve, then stood up to grab … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Revelation – A Continuous Melody and a Thunderous Appeal

This week’s lesson from the Spencer W. Kimball manual was entitled “Revelation – A Continuous Melody and a Thunderous Appeal” and is lesson twenty-two. In this portion of the book, we read about a press conference held at the Arizona temple visitors’ center. A reporter asked him if God truly did speak to him. President Kimball was quick to answer that yes, indeed, he did speak to God as His prophet. No hesitation on his part whatsoever – he bore his testimony of continuing revelation. He says, “The blessing of revelation is one that all should seek for.” There are … Continue reading

How Do You Know When You’ve Lost the Spirit?

The gift of the Holy Ghost was given to us at confirmation, and we are blessed to have that guidance with us all the time as we strive to live worthily to keep it with us. But, we are told that the Spirit of the Lord cannot be in unclean places, and it can be a challenge to keep ourselves ready to receive the promptings and the constant peace that can be ours. Often we think of losing the Spirit as something that happens after something major, such as a large sin. But as we go about our day and … Continue reading