Halloween—On The Big Screen, The Small Screen and Somewhere In Between

Attention horror flick fans… get ready to indulge your taste for some serious gore this Halloween when the ultimate slasher film—the original “Halloween” movie– returns to theaters for the first time in 27 years. A digitally remastered, high-definition version of the 1978 film, which made Jamie Lee a household name, will play on October 30 and 31 in 150 movie houses. In addition, a new 20-minute bonus feature about “Halloween,” including interviews with original cast members and a look at the movie’s impact on pop culture, will precede the screening. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the cult … Continue reading

Disclosures of Sexual Assaults often lead to Dissociation

When somebody makes a public disclosure of a previously private abuse they are indeed extremely brave. A multitude of fears run through their mind and body: will I be believed, will I be blamed, will I be in trouble. These faulty cognitions are the result of societal constraints of allowing people to tell the truth and the powerful dynamic of control that predators use against a victim, even many, many years following the abuse. Following a disclosure, a victim frequently feels re-victimized and they are hypersensitive to other’s reactions. When support networks say nothing, it can leave the victim second-guessing … Continue reading