Budgeting Time Savers

One reason many people hate budgeting is because it is time consuming. It can take an hour to balance your checkbook each month, especially if you can’t find the one mistake that you made. It is more difficult than just balancing your checkbook, since you need a constant running total of what you have spent where. It usually falls on the shoulders of one spouse, who then becomes resentful about having to deal with it all the time. While the initial planning and setting up of your budget may take awhile (sorry there is no way around it), here are … Continue reading

Top 5 Firefox Add-ons You Need to Enhance Your Browsing Experience

I recently wrote about Firefox and why you should use it as a browser. I briefly touched on add-ons in this blog but I thought with all of the great extensions floating around, that I should make up a list of extensions that would really help out those who are working at home or simply surfing the Internet, with their browsing experience. These are great extensions I have actually used myself, so I can recommend them wholeheartedly. 1. Time Tracker ~ This clock tracks when you are using the Internet, and keeps a running total at the bottom of the … Continue reading

Recipes for the Single Parent

When I first went through my divorce, I would stumble into bed after a long day and wonder if I would ever survive. Not only did I survive but also, I thrived. I had to relearn many things such as budgeting, shopping, dating, and even cooking. I was used to cooking for a man, not two small children. Suddenly, dinner went from baked chicken, asparagus with cheddar cream sauce, and baked potatoes to “I want macaroni and cheese” or “hot dogs”. Well, being a conscientious mother, I wanted to do things right. While I did not mind them having that … Continue reading