Look What’s New for New York’s New Year’s Eve Ball Drop

More than one million New Year’s Eve revelers are expected to pack the streets around Times Square to witness the annual ball drop—-nothing new about that. Meanwhile, more than 1 billion more people will be joining the festivities via the Internet or watching the event from the comfort of their own living rooms-—nothing new about that either. When the ball descends down its pole and the numbers 2-0-0-8 light up, the crowd will go crazy, confetti will fall from the heavens and everybody will sing Auld Lang Syne followed by New York, New York–there’s nothing new about that either. What … Continue reading

How David Blaine Spent Thanksgiving

Just a few hours ago, magician David Blaine unstrapped himself from a massive gyroscope. While the rest of us were stuffing our faces with potatoes and pies like piggies, Blaine was unshackling his hands and feet from the spinning scope. Why in the world did this “master illusionist” spend Thanksgiving in a gyroscope high above Times Square? For publicity—yes, and something else. Blaine’s latest stunt was as much about charity as publicity. The magician teamed up with Target for the stunt that had him hanging 40 feet above New York’s Times Square in a spinning gyroscope. Blaine entered the contraption … Continue reading

Dick Clark Returns To Time Square

A familiar face will help ring in 2007 in a tradition that’s been around for decades. According to published news reports, broadcasting legend Dick Clark will co-host the annual “New Year’s Rockin’ Eve.” The former “American Bandstand” host, now 76, will join Ryan Seacrest and musical guest Christina Aguilera to ring in the new year before millions on hand to watch the ball drop in person and on television. You’ll recall, Clark missed the show two years ago when he suffered a stroke but returned to the holiday staple in a limited capacity last New Year’s Eve. According to network … Continue reading