Get Ready For School

Leaving the freedom of summer and going back to school can be a difficult transition for many children. Add the stress of wondering what their teacher will be like? How they find the bathroom? Who they will play with at recess? And how much homework they will have? It is no wonder that the start of school can be a stressful time for children and parents alike. So here are some ideas to help make the transition from summer to school a little smoother. Get back into a routine. Summer is all about freedom and fun. Children tend to stay … Continue reading

This Is The House Where Your Forever Family Lives.

I have received several emails asking me to share more about the Family Book we made when we were selected to go to committee for our children. Families who choose to have their home study approved for placement of waiting children who are legally free or have a case place for adoption may be selected by several different methods depending on the state and county the adoptive parents live in. In our state families who choose to have a child or sibling group placed as ’pre-adoptive’ or straight adoption placements are selected by the child’s caseworker and then approved by … Continue reading