Improving Canada’s Military

Will Canada’s military role in Afghanistan improve the Canadian military? That’s the opinion of retired Major-General Lewis MacKenzie. In an article MacKenzie states that those soldiers who have gone from a peacekeeping appointment to one of combat will help shape the future of the Canadian military. He even goes so far as to say that years ago, after the cold war ended, it was detrimental to a soldier’s career to be deployed overseas. With them being so far away from their supervisor’s attention it was possible that their yearly performance evaluations suffered while they were doing their duty. I find … Continue reading

Do Canadian Pilots Measure Up?

While checking out the Canadian Air Force website today I ran across a tidbit of information that made me chuckle. It seems that now our Air Force pilots are going to be measured to see if we have an aircraft that’s their size. The cockpits of aircraft are tight quarters, to be sure. I’ve sat in the cockpit of a Tutor (the same plane the Snow Birds fly) and even little ‘ol me felt a little claustrophobic in that cramped space. So one can only imagine the need to insure that our men and women are the right size early … Continue reading

The Hero Behind the Uniform

What is a soldier? If asked most would give the brief description of a man or a woman who wears the military uniform and serves their country. This is a fine description if you’re trying to pick the soldier out of a crowd of nuns but it hardly describes the person behind the uniform. Of course we’re all unique, and even the same haircut and clothing can’t take that away from our troops (though boot camp does attempt to come close). Yet, I can’t help but think that there must be something deep down inside of each soldier that, when … Continue reading

Resources For Military Wives

Before I proceed with my post I would like to acknowledge the sacrifices of nine American troops who died on Monday, April 3. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families. Today I went Internet hunting for resources for military wives. We’re a tough bunch; we support our husbands, run a household and raise our children…many times as a single parent while our husbands are deployed. Yet, even the strongest of us needs to reach out once in a while. This can be difficult for some wives who might worry that others will think they are weak or “don’t have … Continue reading