Yale Undergrads: The Best, The Brightest, The Taliban?

Perhaps you dream of the day when your child will be admitted to an Ivy League institution. Maybe you do more than dream. You save money. You contribute regularly to a 529 account. If you are fortunate enough to have elders who have done well and now look at estate planning, maybe you are working with them to find the best ways to fund education for the next generation. You and your high school student are researching scholarships, loans, financial aid. Maybe you are working with a consultant. Your student is studying, working, making a very high grade point average. … Continue reading

Colleges and Universities That Have Accepted Homeschoolers

Today’s blog is a continuation from my last one regarding homeschoolers and college. While many colleges are now considering homeschoolers, I thought that you might like to see a list of schools that have accepted homeschool students. I found the following list from The Everything Homeschooling Book which has compiled a list of colleges / universities that have accepted homeschoolers. Not that this list is complete of all colleges, but it does list some well recognized schools that your child may be considering. If the school that your child is looking at is not listed on here still contact that … Continue reading

Homeschoolers at Harvard? Colleges Seek Homeschoolers.

Auburn, Clemson, even Harvard are just a few of the schools that gladly accept homeschool students. Most instituions of higher learning are impressed by the homeschoolers level of maturity, diversified education, and their ability to be independent learners. The following is a quote taken from Jon Reider, a Stanford University admissions officer, “Homeschoolers bring certain skills – motivation, curiosity, the capacity to be responsible for their education – that high schools don’t induce very well.” The following is a basic list that most colleges require prior to admission: • Four years of English (including grammar, composition, and literature.) • Three … Continue reading