Your Ward Is a Support System

One of the great things about the church is the automatic built in support system that it provides members. It is very common for families to move far away to find a good job. When this happens it may feel that the support system around you is completely gone. However I’ve found that the ward family is quick to step up and fill in when you are facing a crisis. You may be in a ward that does not feel as warm and as inviting as you would like, but you should give it some time. Additionally you should try … Continue reading

Do You Feel Forgotten?

Have you ever felt forgotten in the ward that you are in? You may feel forgotten because you do not have a calling or because you feel the bishop seems distant? Or you may feel like people are surprised when they notice you at church, even though you do come every week. This can be a difficult and discouraging feeling to cope with. I have been in situations when I have felt this way. Here are some tips I have learned to do when dealing with these situations. 1) It is important to realize that the bishop, his counselors and … Continue reading

Your Ward Family

One great thing about the church is the fellowship you receive as you attend. The ward family can easily become as close to you as your own family. They can also step up and help out in situations when your family is not there. Currently we live far away from any family. Our closest family is three hours away by car. The next closest family is a six-hour plane ride away. We live in a ward full of other transplants. Most families in our ward have moved here because of their jobs. Since most people do not have family close … Continue reading

Whom the Lord Calls, He Qualifies

I told my husband when the Branch President asked if he could stop by that he would extend us both callings. Sure enough, that was the reason for his visit. We were expecting to be called to the Primary or, more likely, the Nursery (the current nursery leaders just had a baby last week and we have a history in the class). Instead, he called my husband to be Sunday School President, and me as second counselor in the Relief Society. “Wow,” I said. Then I said it another three times, all in sort of a shocked and dazed tone … Continue reading

Are You in a Unfriendly Ward?

At one time or another most people will experience a time when they feel a less than welcome in the ward. It can happen when you move into a transient ward or a ward with a lot of people moving in and out of the ward. It may happen after you have lived in the ward for a while, and you just feel like people are not your friends. It can be difficult to continue to go to church when you feel like you do not have any real friends in your ward. It may be that others are just … Continue reading

Getting to Know People in Your New Ward

The first Sunday at a new ward can be an awkward one. Which benches are free? Will anyone come up and introduce themselves? Hopefully, you’ll have a good welcome and easy adjustment, but what if you don’t? I’ve moved into wards that it seemed like I couldn’t get to know anyone. Every time I would talk to someone in Relief Society, she would tell me that I needed to talk to someone else. It was so frustrating. I didn’t feel like anyone wanted to be my friend. Although some wards are friendlier than others are, I think that every ward … Continue reading

Moving? It’s Not As Bad As You Think

Your husband has just graduated from college, or he has been offered the promotion of a lifetime, and you are so excited to take it. You know what it is coming: A move! Depending on your outlook you may be dancing up and down for joy for the chance to do something new or you might already be missing your old ward. As difficult as a move can be, your transition can be made easier with help from your new ward. One great thing about the church is the centralized programs and curriculum. This means that every week, every ward … Continue reading