Paying Attention to the World Around Us

I just finished reading an absolutely stunning article about Joshua Bell, one of the leading violinists of the world. I am cheating by posting this article on here because I know it doesn’t strictly have to do with Jobs, except I like to think that one, Joshua is in fact “working” (he is playing his violin) and two, the mastery of the writing of this article makes me want to be a better writer (which is my job.) The old saying goes, “If I could write half as good as he does, I would be set for life!” Let me … Continue reading

My Response To William Arkin Of The Washington Post

I have pretty thick skin when it comes to those who protest the war and even those who bad mouth the troops. I spent a year writing a column in Greenville, Michigan, during my husband’s deployment to Iraq. I refused to write under any name but my own, though I was encouraged to do so for my own protection. I don’t like being bullied and I refused to hide or be ashamed of my husband’s service. This week, even my thick skin was penetrated to the core of my being as I found the same link in my email three … Continue reading