Whose Welfare Matters Most (Customers, Clients, Family, Self?)

Sorting and evaluating priorities can be one of the biggest wrestling matches we have to face in our home businesses. It might seem obvious and simple when we first get started—family first, business second; but the fact that we are working from home and the boundaries can get a little confusing can make it tough to figure out whose welfare we are really looking out for at any given moment… Our customers want to know that we are going to bat for them; our children and families have every right to expect that they will come first; and somewhere in … Continue reading

Parental Liability: When your Child Becomes a Parent.

Every year thousands of teenage girls, many as young as 12 years old, enter United States Welfare system because they become pregnant. Teenage girls are usually eligible for welfare benefits in order to meet the needs of their children. Typically the fathers are non custodial parents with many of them teenagers as well. Teen aged parents still supposed to be attending high school and unable to pay child support because they don’t have jobs. The common name for this situations is a “minor-mother” case. When a teenage girl has a baby it is automatically reported to the state child support … Continue reading