Chaotic Cat Chronicles: The Case of the Missing Wiffie

We’ve got a big problem in our house. Tabby’s beloved wiffie is missing. I sort of feared this very thing happening. She has other toys, her huts, and even a new “crinkle cave,” but her all-time, number one favorite is her wiffie. Tabby in the crinkle cave. It wasn’t until yesterday that I realized something was missing. There hadn’t been a certain nighttime racket either preventing me from falling to sleep or waking me up. Then it dawned on me, “She hasn’t been whapping her wiffie around!” Which was a relief to realize, because poor Tab just hasn’t been herself … Continue reading

Thunk, Doing, Whap: What a Racket!

Sometimes our house gets to be a noisy place. Sure there’s the routine noises that most cat and dog houses have: Murphy barking at something outside, the stampede to the food bowls at feeding time, the cats mewing like mad right before mealtime, and Tab’s midnight jam sessions on the blinds. But they also make their own distinctive brand of noises. Ones that when made help me identify the maker by my ears alone. Thunk! Murphy has a sturdy, strong, long tail that when he’s happy, watch out! His tail has been known to leave welt marks. He doesn’t mean … Continue reading

The Wiffie

What the heck is a Wiffie you may be wondering? It happens to be Tabby’s favorite toy. “I thought the red and blue-and-yellow huts were her favorite toys?” those of you who have followed the continuing Tabby saga might be asking. True. They rank up there. But they’ve been out ranked by a seemingly boring white and green wiffle ball-like cat toy that Mr. Meow’s had since as far back as I can remember. He never paid it much mind, but Tabby? It’s like her security blanket. Nothing’s more playful than a young cat. ~-Thomas Fuller-~ It wasn’t her first … Continue reading