A Review of Wii Fit Plus

I am so excited about sharing this review. Last week I wrote in my blog, Fitness and Video Games, how the American Red Cross was endorsing two Nintendo Wii games, Wii Sports Resort and Wii Fit Plus. I mentioned that I had ordered Wii Fit Plus after seeing a good friend of mine lose weight on it. Well I am happy to report what I think of Wii Fit Plus. From the moment I set everything up. Well okay, I take that back, from the moment my 11-year old helped me set everything up I was completely sold on this … Continue reading

Fitness and Video Games

Nintendo Wii is now being endorsed by the American Heart Association. Who would have ever thought that video game systems could go to this level? For some time I have been hearing about how great Wii Fit is. We own a Wii system and have a few games but I wasn’t ready to invest in something that I didn’t feel very sure about. A few days ago I ordered Wii Fit Plus and not only am I excited about it but so are my kids. What finally sold me is watching a good friend of mine lose weight by changing … Continue reading