Star Trek (2009): Spock, Meet Spock

Let me preface this by saying I am not a trekkie. I loved the old series, but never got into the Next Generation and all that. When I heard about the new Star Trek, I wasn’t really excited about seeing other people play the traditional characters. I was going more for my four year old than I was myself. But, when I left the theater, I found myself pleasantly surprised with the film! This film takes us back, way back. In fact, we see Kirk make the decision to join the Federation’s StarFleet and how he and Bones McCoy became … Continue reading

William Shatner and George Takei Spar over a Wedding Invitation

George Takei, better known to Trekkies as Mr. Sulu from the popular, but short lived Star Trek series from the ’60s, recently got married. After California decided to uphold the ruling that same-sex couples have the right to marry, Takei and his partner of 21 years, Brad Altman, decided to make it legal on September 14, 2008. They had a wedding ceremony at the Japanese American National Museum. They were joined by fellow Star Trek co-stars Walter Koenig (Chekov), who served as the best man and Nichelle Nichols (Uhura), who was the Matron of Honor. Sounds lovely, doesn’t it? Two … Continue reading

Stars Making History on Screen and Off

In the battle over the longest-running role in ad industry Captain Kirk has put the smackdown on Fat Albert. They are two men you rarely see in the same room together let alone the same TV spot, but William Shatner and Bill Cosby recently battled it out for top banana of television commercials. Shatner just celebrated his 10th anniversary with the online travel company and has now eclipsed Cosby (who remarkably was up for the same role) as longest running pitchman for a name brand company. Priceline execs say the former Captain Kirk beat out the former Cliff Huxtable … Continue reading

Shatner Gets The Shaft

Star Trek fans brace yourselves… the original Capt. Kirk won’t be taking flight on the starship Enterprise this time round. In news that was as shocking to Trekkies as it was to “Kirk,” producers of the new “Star Trek” movie recently announced that actor William Shatner will not appear in the upcoming production. “I couldn’t believe it. I’m not in the movie at all.” Shatner told news reporters a few days ago. “I thought, what a decision to make, since it obviously is a decision not to make use of the popularity I have to ensure the movie has good … Continue reading

New Series: Living In TV Land

Thanks to our senior popular culture bloggers for letting me guest-post. I had to write about this “thing” I saw on TV Land Sunday night, during the flight home from Florida. It’s a new reality series, Living in TV Land, and it purports to “get behind the hype and hyperbole and into the real lives of some of television’s most popular icons.” That’s because the series will show the stars “playing themselves.” Among the first profiled: Barry “Greg Brady” Williams; former Monkee Davy Jones; Sherman “George Jefferson” Helmsley’; Fred Willard; and Dick Van Patten. I could, if I wanted to, … Continue reading