Three Things Needed for a Triumphant Christian Life

When we read Mark’s gospel we see that there were three things, which made it possible for Jesus to triumphantly enter Jerusalem. Those three things were 1. Obedience, 2. Sacrifice 3. Worship Jesus was obedient to the Father’s will. He knew what awaited him in Jerusalem but he willingly went forward to Jerusalem as the sacrifice for our sinsMark 10:45, Philippians 2:6-8.. His whole life was one of obedience and worship of His Heavenly Father, It is because of what Jesus has done in giving his life for us that we are able to enter into a relationship with the … Continue reading

General Women’s Conference: Sister Allred’s Address

The second speaker at the women’s session of general conference was Sister Sylvia H. Allred, the first counselor in the presidency. Her topic was “Holy Temples, Sacred Covenants,” which tied in to Sister Beck’s comment of the importance of temple worship. Sister Allred shared with us her love for the temples, saying they are the most sacred places on earth. There, we receive the greatest blessings possible while also making those blessings available to our beloved ancestors who have gone on ahead. Some members of the Church live near a temple, while others must make tremendous sacrifices to attend. Sister … Continue reading

Why Am I Here? – Part 3

We’ve looked at why God has put us in certain places in our lives. Another way of looking at this question is why are we here on this earth at all? We are here because God created us and God has a purpose for our lives. ‘All things have been created by Him and for Him,’ Colossians 1:16. So we are here, because God made us and God made us for Him. We are eternal belongs created for a relationship with Him, Acts 17:27-28. We are here to live in relationship with Him, John 14:23, John 16:27, John 17:21-22. We … Continue reading

Tristi’s Quest . . . It Begins

I have a confession to make. It’s one of those things that good little Mormons try to keep a secret, knowing that it’s wrong, and yet, not knowing how to get over the mindset. I really have a hard time keeping the Sabbath day holy. I know it’s important. I know and believe that it shows our Heavenly Father our love for Him. I’ve read the scriptures that outline the blessings we will receive when we accomplish it. There’s just one problem . . . I get bored. Really, really bored. It’s so hard not to check my e-mails and … Continue reading

What is Worship?

When was the last time someone showed you they loved you? How did you respond? God has shown us that he loves us by sending His Son to take the punishment that was rightfully ours. Because of this marvelous gift of grace, we should want to respond and to serve Him with our lives as living sacrifices, verse 1 God never makes mistakes. He never puts us in the wrong place. You are where God wants you to be. You are there because God has a job for you. Will you respond? As you look at your church and community … Continue reading

RS/EQ: The Sabbath – A Delight

As we head into the 2008 course of study for Relief Society and Priesthood, I’m excited to think about studying the words of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Before we begin, however, I’d like to finish up our series on the lessons provided by Spencer W. Kimball. Lesson #16 in the book is entitled, “The Sabbath—A Delight.” How often do we think of the Sabbath as being a delight? I generally think of it with a mixture of fear and trembling, but I need to change that perception. President Kimball begins his lesson by sharing a story from a time when … Continue reading

A Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ

At this time of year, the focus seems to be mostly upon the Baby Jesus who was born in a manger. At Easter, we think about the Atonement, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection. What do we think about the remainder of the year? Having a personal relationship with our Savior is a crucial part of our exaltation. As we come to know Him, we come to understand the role He played in our redemption, and how we absolutely cannot return to our Heavenly Father without the Savior. Everything we are and have is possible because of Jesus Christ. He created … Continue reading

A Personal Relationship with Heavenly Father

Often I get so caught up in the details of living life from day to day that I forget how important my own personal relationship with Heavenly Father is. It’s all very well and good to keep the commandments, but our spiritual growth needs to take another step, one of seeking every day to strengthen that relationship and nurture it. I think we find it easy to lump the Godhead all into one, but I would like to suggest that as we believe that the Godhead is comprised of three separate beings, that we increase our testimony of and relationships … Continue reading

RS/EQ: “Jesus Christ: My Savior, My Lord”

“Jesus Christ: My Savior, My Lord” is the title of lesson #3 in the Spencer W. Kimball manual from which we have been studying this year. Even just the simple six words of the title evoke such feelings of worship and love as to be overwhelming. We begin the lesson with an experience from President Kimball’s life. Fairly early in his apostleship, he suffered three heart attacks in two weeks. After spending seven weeks recovering at home, he desired a change of scenery and traveled down to New Mexico to stay with his Navajo friends. One morning, his friends were … Continue reading

RS/EQ: “Prayer, the Passport to Spiritual Power”

One of my favorite lessons from the Spencer W. Kimball manual this year was “Prayer, the Passport to Spiritual Power.” He states: “I always have very tender feelings about prayers and the power and blessings of prayer.” He then relates the story of a time he visited New Zealand and fell ill. He was scheduled to speak at a conference, but worried that he would have to cancel. At nearly seven o’clock, he arose from his bed, got dressed, and hurried to the place where the meeting was to be held. He entered the arena to the sound of applause … Continue reading