Young Women: “All Times, in All Places, in All Things”

In her talk “All Times, in All Things, in All Places” Sister Elaine S Dalton speaks to the young women. She was called to be the General President of the Young Women during this session of conference. Sister Dalton opens her talk by emphasizing the Christ came to this earth with a mission, and he stayed focus on that mission his entire life. Sister Dalton teaches that we are here at this time for a specific reason. There are many blessings that can be found through the gospel. It is important to stay focused and steadfast on the right things … Continue reading

Young Women: “Stand as a Witness”

In “Stand as a Witness” Sister Susan W. Tanner speaks to the young women of the church. Sister Tanner opens her talk by sharing an experience her daughter had on her mission. She wanted tot each about the Holy Ghost, but when she planned the lesson, it did not feel right. Instead they taught about Jesus Christ, when the investigator felt the Holy Ghost witness about the truthfulness of their message, they were able to teach about the Holy Ghost. Sister Tanner goes on to tell about King Benjamin and how he bore his testimony of Christ to his people. … Continue reading

Spring Activities for Mutual

The spring is a great time to move some of the mutual activities outside. You can enjoy the additional sunlight as well as the great spring weather. It is also a great way to put all that additional energy to use, instead of having all the youth stuck inside the church building. Here are four easy activities. 1) You could teach the youth about gardening by planting a garden for a family in your ward. This could be for an elderly couple or it could be for a family that is struggling financially. You can extend this service project by … Continue reading

Young Women: Camp

It is time to start preparing for your young woman to go camping for the summer. Young Women’s camp is a great experience for most girls. The camp should teach good survival and nature skills (although many of these will be covered in pre-camp activities) and it allows your girls to grow spiritually. If you are the parent of a young woman, you should encourage your daughter to attend. Many camps now take place in cabins at nice campgrounds. There are not as many wards that camp in tents anymore. This can make camp less intimidating for those girls who … Continue reading

Young Women: Christmas and Personal Progress

The holidays are coming up. You can easily plan activities that fit in with the young women’s Personal Progress and Christmas. Here are four uplifting activities that will help with Personal Progress and focus on the true meaning of Christmas. 1) You can have a night in which you view artwork that depicts the Nativity and life of Christ. As you view the artwork, you may also want to read scriptures that pertain to parts of Christ’s life. You may also listen or sing along to Handel’s Messiah. At the end of the activity you may want to leave a … Continue reading

Young Women: Camp Planning Pamphlet

There is a new guide for leaders to help them plan for young women’s camp. This pamphlet is pretty straightforward, but it does make the planning process much easier. The guide will be shipped out to local units, as they are prepared. Initially the guide will only be available in English and Spanish, but they will ship out guides in other languages as soon as the translation is completed. One of the things that stood out in the planning process was the focus on the spiritual aspects of camp. It emphasizes that camp is designed to help the young women … Continue reading

2008 Mutual Theme

The 2008 theme for mutual (Young Men and Young Women) has been announced. “Be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in good works.” The theme comes from the scripture Mosiah 5:15. The leaders are encouraged to apply this theme to activities throughout the year. This theme should apply to activities both on a stake and a ward level. Additionally the ward leaders are encouraged to introduce this theme in December 2007. Ward leaders may want to hold a special fireside about the theme. Additionally you should include it in the opening exercises that you have each week with the combined young … Continue reading

Young Women: Modesty

One common thing that many young women struggle with is dressing modestly. Often this is based more on a desire to fit in with the mold, then anything else. It is important to help your young woman realize the importance of dressing appropriately and treating her body respectfully. Here are five tips on helping your young woman with modesty. 1) It is important to begin young. If your daughter understands that she should not wear sleeveless dresses and tops at four, then it will be easier to enforce at fourteen. Also it is hard to set forth an arbitrary date … Continue reading

Young Women: Temple Marriage

It is important to teach the young women the importance of temple marriage. Of course the ideal place to do this is in the home. As parents it is important to talk about the blessings that the girls will receive as they reach their goal of temple marriage. It is important to talk about how families have the opportunity to be together forever and the way for that to happen is to be sealed in the temple. In addition to stressing the blessings of temple marriage, you should talk to your daughter about the things that she needs to do … Continue reading

Young Women: 5 Ideas for Spiritual Activities

It is important to provide a wide variety of activities for the Young Women to participate in. It is important to plan activities where the young women can grow spiritually. These activities often work well when you plan the combined young women’s activity. Here are five ideas for spiritual young women’s activities. 1) You can have a night that focuses on the importance of temple marriage. You could have a young couple who were recently married in the temple speak, as well as an older couple. You should ask the speakers to focus on the blessings that they have seen … Continue reading