4 Out of Ten LGBTQ+ Youth Are Considering Moving Out Of Their Home State

LGBTQ+ youth are incredibly concerned and aware of the political landscape. As state policies continue to endanger laws around access to gender-affirming healthcare, a new Trevor Project Survey shows that these young people are far more likely to considering moving from state to state, Parents reported. The Trevor Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to suicide prevention and crisis intervention for LGBTQ+ young people. The report analyzed data showing the overlap between LGBTQ+ youth’s perceived safety and mental well-being, and state policies. It then used information from the Movement Advancement Project to assess the social and political landscapes that led … Continue reading

What Is Your Parenting Style?

Parents.com wrote: From authorities to authoritative, permissive to neglectful, we’re breaking down different types of parenting styles. Which one do you practice? Your parenting style can affect everything from your child’s self-esteem to their academic success. It’s important to ensure your parenting style supports healthy growth and development because the way you interact with your child — and how you discipline them — will influence them for the rest of their life. Researchers have identified four main parenting styles that take a unique approach to raising children: Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, and Uninvolved. People want to know which parenting style they’re … Continue reading

Most Infuriating Challenges to Free-Range Parenting

Reason reported stories from 2024 that drove free-range parents crazy. Child Reported Walking: As Reason was the very first to report, authorities charged Georgia mom Brittany Patterson with “reckless conduct” after her son, age 10, walked to town — population 370 — without. telling her. The cops came to her home, handcuffed her in front of her kids, and threw her in jail. Child services then tried to require Patterson to track her child at all times. Child Reported Bicycling: “The police were called because my 8-year-old was riding her bike on our street,” Kentucky mom Kay Eskridge told Reason. … Continue reading

Best Things To Do On New Year’s Eve To Celebrate 2025

Each and every year has its own story but by the 365th day (or 366th day, in 2024’s case), its almost always the same song and dance: a day of reflection followed by an evening of celebration, Woman’s Day reported. While glitzy and glamorous parties and late-night glamorous parties and late-night dinner reservations are popular choices for closing out one year and entering another, in reality, there are so many things to do on New Year’s Eve, many of which can be accomplished without even leaving your home. If you pride yourself on living mindfully and in the moment, you … Continue reading

How To Avoid Conflicts During Holiday Gatherings

Thanksgiving might be a time for gratitude and spending time with loved ones, but visiting family during holidays can often be stressful for many people. While some might look forward to making more cherished memories with their close circle, those same gatherings may be a source of dread for others, Yahoo! Life reported. In fact, more than half of Canadians find holiday seasons to have a negative impact on their mental health, according to a Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) survey. Moreover, 52 percent of those reported they have increased feelings of anxiety and depression.  There are many factors that … Continue reading

Social Issues That Trouble Today’s Teens

Social issues are problems that affect large groups of people and can affect how well a society functions, Verywell Family reported. Teens can face social problems just like adults can. They may even be more susceptible to these challenges because their brains are still developing and their bodies are changing quickly. Social issues and what we might think of a “teenage problems” can affect emotional and physical health. Depression According to the National Instituted of Mental Health (NIMH), an estimated 4.1 million adolescents in the United States had at least one major depressive episode in 2020. That means 17% of … Continue reading

CSPS Warns Consumers To Immediately Stop Using 5in1 Rocker Bassinet

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is warning customers to immediately stop using 5in1 Rocker Bassinets because they pose suffocation, strangulation, and fall hazards to infants.  The bassinets fail to meet the safety requirements of CPCS’s Infant Sleep Products Rule. The products do not conform to the safety requirements for bassinets and lack required markings, labeling, and instructions. The bassinets and their packaging also lack a tracking label containing certain information, such as the date of manufacture, required for children’s products including durable infant or toddler products. The importer, Rev Grace Import Inc., of Pleasant Hill, Missouri, is not … Continue reading

What is Eggshell Parenting?

There is a wide variety parenting styles that parents can choose from. Many of these are healthy choices, and parents can pick and choose which style works for them. Eggshell parenting, however, is not a healthy choice for parents or their children. PopSugar reported that eggshell parenting is the latest parenting topic of conversation on TikTok. The term was coined by licensed clinical psychologist Kim Sage, Psy.D to describe a parent whose unpredictable behavior and emotional instability leave their child feeling unsettled and like they’re “walking on eggshells.” While its more than normal to get frustrated or upset sometimes as … Continue reading

Some Kids Are Not Attending School

Some parents have noticed that their child, pre-teen or teenager have been avoiding going back to school. NPR posted an article titled: “3 years since the pandemic wrecked attendance, kids still aren’t showing up to school”. In other words, there are many parents out there who have kids that are unable to attend school.  According to NPR, Hedy Chang, the executive director of Attendance Works, says she hasn’t seen the kind of recovery she’d hoped for. “I think people had been a little bit under the false impression that when COVID became more endemic, that that would result in a … Continue reading

HHS and OASH Provide The Basics Of Eating Healthy

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (OASH) provided ways for people to eat healthy. Eating healthy means following a healthy eating pattern that includes a variety of nutritious foods and drinks. It also means getting the number of calories that’s right for you (not eating too much or too little). Choose a mix of healthy foods There are lots of healthy choices in each food group! Choose a variety of foods you enjoy, including: Whole fruits – like apples, berries, oranges, mango and bananas Veggies – like broccoli, sweet … Continue reading