New to Parents, Not to Parenting

As it is, I am new to the parents blog, but am definitely not new to parenting or to I’m Nicole Humphrey, and I am the new parents writer and will be dedicated mostly to the topics of blended families and single parenting in this blog. I’m pretty excited to embark on these topics here at families and thought I should take a moment to introduce myself. I am the proud (and somewhat frazzled) mother of five children. Two are mine, three are his – which makes seven of us living our life in a never-ending blender (and a … Continue reading

Your Blog: “About Me”

Many blogs offer an “About Me” section that gives readers the opportunity to get to know the blogger a little bit better. The majority of bloggers tend to skip this section, either leaving it absent or filling it with cursory information. But here is why you should provide a good “About Me” section, and some tips about what to put in it. Unless all of your visitors to your blog know you intimately, visitors to your blog may be a little cautious about what you are saying. They are essentially meeting a stranger on the street and would like to … Continue reading