Bible Stories to Share with Your Children: Jacob and Esau

Jacob and Esau were the twin sons of Isaac (the son of Abraham) and Rebekah. The story of Jacob and Esau is found throughout several chapters in Genesis; however, the portion of their story which this entry will focus on is found in Genesis 25:21 through 27:46. This section of scripture details a couple of interactions between the brothers Jacob and Esau. Key Lessons Consider priorities in life. Esau sold his birthright for stew in Genesis 25:29-34. Although Esau was hungry and exhausted he should have considered what he was trading away to satisfy a temporary state of hunger. Children … Continue reading

Bible Stories to Share with Your Children: The Births of Ishmael and Isaac

This blog is a continuation in the story of Abraham’s (Abram’s) life. The stories of the births of Isaac and Ishmael can be found in Genesis 16:1 through 17:27 and Genesis 21:1 through 21:8. There are many lessons to be learned from the births of these two sons of Abraham. Key Lessons God can do what man deems impossible. Abraham and Sarah thought it was impossible for Sarah to have children. However, Isaac was born to Abraham when he was one hundred years old. In fact in Genesis 18:11 the Bible says that, “The way of women had ceased to … Continue reading

Bible Stories to Share With Your Children: Abram

I have been a little behind in my weekly blog, “Bible Stories to Share with Your Children,” but I am getting back on track with this entry over Abram. Abram’s (and later Abraham’s) story is quite extensive and detailed so I am going to break his life into a few different blogs that focus on unique events in Abraham’s life. The complete story of Abraham is told in the Bible from Genesis 11:26 to 25:11; however, the focus of this blog is found in Genesis 11:26 to 13:18. Key Lessons Abram went. In Genesis 12:1-3 the Bible says, “Now the … Continue reading

Noble Birthright

Yesterday it was such a privilege for me teach our Sunday School class (the 16-17 year-olds) regarding covenants, eternal marriage and the noble birthright each of us inherited through the Abrahamic covenant. First, a refresher on the Abrahamic Covenant: Quoting from the Bible Dictionary located within the scriptures issued by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: “Included in the divine promises to Abraham were the assurances that: 1) Christ would come through his lineage, and that 2) Abraham’s posterity would receive certain lands as an eternal inheritance . . . The portions of the covenant that pertain to … Continue reading