Fitness Smoothies

Hot summers and ice cold drinks go hand in hand like salt and pepper or cheese on a burger – and there’s nothing like sipping some ice-cold smoothies that are not only wonderfully cool and tasty, but also good for you. Did I say good for you? Absolutely. As you know, part of the sizzling summer slim down includes follow the Abs Diet from David ZincZenko. Part of the Abs Diet is drinking some of the best-frozen smoothies that I’ve ever had. They are great as a dessert, a late night snack or a cool refresher on a really hot … Continue reading

The Abs Diet Workout

For those of you have been following our Sizzling Summer Slim Down, we’ve been discussing the abs diet here in the Fitness and Weight Loss blogs for the last couple of weeks. I’ve recounted some of my experiences through my blogs and today I want to discuss the Abs Diet Workout plan that I started last week. For those of you just joining us, the Abs Diet is a six-week plan to flatten your stomach and stay lean for life. It features a diet that does deprive you of food so much as reeducate your diet and lifestyle. The food … Continue reading

Want a Chance to Win a Weight Loss DVD? Click Here!

As part of my Sizzling Summer Slim Down challenge, I have a challenge for my readers. If you would like to win a free copy of the DVD The Abs Diet Workout, then this might be the challenge for you! This challenge is pretty straightforward. The challenge opens today and will close on midnight central time, Friday, May 12th. All you need to do is to write an essay (minimum 300 words) and tell me about what inspires you to lose weight. I shared with you my Top Five Weight Loss Motivators earlier today. You can use that as a … Continue reading

Week 2 of My Abs Diet Experience

I’ve been talking about how the Abs Diet and my experiences with it. This week I’m stepping it up a notch. I’m adding in the exercises specifically recommended by David ZincZenko’s guide. I wanted to share with you some specifics of my success so far. First and foremost, my cravings do not exist. I am a skeptic by nature so it’s hard for me to sit back and just accept anything at face value. However, my experiences in the last two weeks are really making this a reality for me. I have modified my diet to make sure I have … Continue reading

Why Does the ABS Diet Work?

When we have so many diets in the world and so many of them don’t work as well as we might like them to. Why do I think the Abs Diet works? Well, first and foremost, I am not positive that it does. I do know that I like the recommendations. I do know that I believe the methodology that ZincZenko espouses. For example, in his book he discusses the fact that one in four Americans are on a diet. He also discusses the fact that of those on a diet – 95% are likely to fail to reach their … Continue reading

Fancy a Six Pack?

I’ve talked a lot about the Abs Diet over the last few days because I’ve been giving it a try. I picked up the book written by David ZincZenko, the Editor-in-Chief of Men’s Health magazine. What I like about the diet is that he lists right off the bat that he thinks diet is a four-letter word. He also talks about weight loss, fitness, exercise, food habits and more in very sensible and practical terms. His weight loss and fitness program target a specific area of the body. The abdominal area. However, don’t be mislead. This is a program that … Continue reading

The Abs Diet – Eating Right the First Time

So what makes a power food in the Abs Diet? I want to explore that a little here, as we get ready to tackle our Sizzling Summer Slim Down. I also wanted to share a little gem – since adjusting my diet to follow the Abs Diet recommended power foods – my mocha cravings are evaporating. As some of you who read the Fitness blog may know. I am extremely addicted to Starbuck’s mochas. The expense alone should be enough to turn me off, but even the expense can’t make my cravings go away. Daily, I find myself in the … Continue reading

Six Guidelines to the Abs Diet

As you know, starting May 2, we are launching our Sizzling Summer Slim Down. It is a six-week program to help you firm up the tummy as well as the rest of your body as we get ready for summer. We will be using the Abs Diet from Men’s Health Editor-In-Chief David ZincZenko as our model. In his book the Abs Diet, ZincZenko describes the following six guidelines as important to following the diet and fitness plan lifestyle. While some are common sense, the others help maintain the fitness lifestyle necessary to not only generate weight loss, but better overall … Continue reading

End of the Month Goal Check – April

While it’s not quite the last day of April, (the 30th falls on Sunday); it is still a good day to take stock of your progress for the month of April. We’re just winding up our Spring Forward to Action 30 Day Challenge. If you participated in that challenge, you might want to use the following questions to give you an assessment of how the month went. If you did your own work out or are participating in the Body for Life Challenge, these are all still valid questions. How are your goals going? Have you started working towards achieving … Continue reading

The Sizzling Summer Slim Down

I told you I wanted to start the Sizzling Summer Slim Down this May with the Abs Diet six week challenge. What does the Abs Diet promise us that other diets do not? Eat More to Weigh Less! Meet the 12 amazing powerfoods your body craves. They strip away fat like magic! Turn Fat into Muscle! Build the lean, hard body you’ve always wanted-in 6 weeks or less! Look and Feel Younger! Erase years, even decades, with this exclusive new plan that’s NEVER before been published! Supercharge Your Sex Life! Discover the shocking truth about food and sex-and get fitter, … Continue reading