What is the Abs Diet?

The Abs Diet was developed by David ZincZenko, the editor-in-chief of Men’s Health Magazine. The program focuses on helping you achieve what you want the most: the lean, hard stomach. To be honest, this is a diet and fitness program that appeals to my vanity. The worst areas of my body are located around my abdominal area. According to ZincZenko, survey after survey agrees that a lean, muscular abdomen is the ultimate symbol of sex appeal. Getting a flat, firm stomach is also proven in study after study to be one of the most significant steps to take in staying … Continue reading

Sound Weight Loss Plans

During the month of May, the Fitness and Weight Loss blogs will be joining together to co-host the Abs Diet & Workout plan. This is a six week challenge that will ask you to improve your eating habits by focusing on the 12 power food groups, exercise regularly with a proven fitness plan as well as affording you at least one cheat day per week. This is a sound weight loss plan because it provides: Nutritional value and the nutrients you need The promise of weight loss, but not fast or easy A menu of foods that allows you to … Continue reading