Mary Magdalene was Naught but a Prostitute.

Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. She sold sex for money to survive. I have worked with many working girls throughout my career as a sexual assault worker. Many of them were Mary Magdalenes: women with amazing stories of strength, and change. Women who met a revolutionary agent of amazing charisma: another woman who did not judge them. The common thread with all the prostituting women’s stories was respect and acceptance from other people – mentors who saw their spirit, not just their sexual behaviors of survival. These working girls have often had a history of abuse, but more importantly, a … Continue reading

I was Abused by Five different Predators as a Child: Sophie’s story.

Sophie (real name changed to protect her identity) is a woman I have had contact with over the last few years. She has bravely agreed to share her story for a exclusive and for the purpose of raising awareness during Sexual Violence Awareness Month. Thank you Sophie. Our collective respect is with you. Please Note: Some words have been edited to make them acceptable for public viewing. Sophie’s story: “I’m now 38. Can you believe it? I never though I’d make it this far. Between the ages of seven and 15 there is only a 12 month period where … Continue reading

Mary Poppins was Written by a Child in Need of Protection.

Mary Poppins was a nanny with pull. She knew which strings to pull to keep her charges in line and, even when she introduced them to risky situations, she worked hard to keep them safe. She knew how to shape Mr. and Mrs. Banks into responding to the needs of their children and she frowned upon their constant absences. What a shame the parents of the Mary Poppins author were unable to offer the same level of care and child protection. Mary Poppins was not merely a spoonful of sugar! Written by a woman who had experienced a childhood that … Continue reading

The Myths and Facts About Incest and Child Sexual Assault

October is Sexual Violence Awareness Month in Queensland, Australia. The theme of the month is “Stop Incest”. Before incest can be eradicated, we all need to have an understanding of the pervasive myths that prevent us from acknowledging the seriousness of this horrific crime that is perpetrated by family members or close family friends. MYTH – Children lie about incest. FACT– Both research and the experiences of those who work with sexually abused children have shown that children very rarely lie about incest. Statistics show that in 98% of cases children’s statements are found to be true (Dympna House Editorial/Writers … Continue reading

Sexual Violence Awareness Month.

October means many things to different people, Fall, Halloween, Christmas shopping time, just to name a few. October in our house means that it is Sexual Violence Awareness Month – a busy month for me that ends with the International Reclaim the Night march on October 27. Each year, October’s awareness raising focuses on a particular aspect of sexual violence. This year the focus is “Stop incest.” I hear this message loud and clear. Turnaround defines incest as: Any overtly sexual act between people who are closely related or who perceive themselves as being closely related (as in relationship between … Continue reading

Topical Whensday: When Will YOU Tee On to Cause an Effect?

It’s Wednesday and a GREAT day to wear that cause related Tee Shirt that you bought to support a worthy group. Where is it now? Stuffed in the back of the cupboard or in the pyjama drawer? When will you drag it out? Today is WHENSDAY, the perfect day to find it. In Cairns, Far North Queensland, Australia, every Friday is Tropical Friday. A town that thrives on tropical and eco tourism, business houses, staff and individuals challenge each other to don the antithesis of formal dress: to frolic in the relaxed attire of holiday bliss, the tropical shirt and … Continue reading

What is Age Appropriate Sexual Development in Early Childhood? Introduction.

A child of four inserts a pair of scissors into her bottom. A child of eight attempts to put his penis into his little sister’s vagina. Is this acceptable behavior? No. Is it developmentally normal? No. These are indicators of something being wrong and worthy of concern. What is developmentally normal though? It can be so confusing and scary when a parent catches their children engaged in sex play. Usually the parents first reaction is shock, followed quickly by anger, and then concern, both for their own perception of perhaps being a bad parent and then for their child: “Am … Continue reading

A Glass of Water May Make the Burden of Child Sexual Assault Too Heavy.

The same student that sent the Donkey Story also sent me this poignant story about stress management: A lecturer, when explaining stress management to an audience, raised a glass of water and asked, “How heavy is this glass of water?” Answers called out ranged from 20g to 500g. The lecturer replied, “The absolute weight doesn’t matter. It depends on how long you try to hold it. If I hold it for a minute, that’s not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I’ll have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you’ll … Continue reading

How Do I know if a Child is Being Abused?

Every parent’s fear is that their child will be abused. There are four different types of abuse: Neglect, Emotional, Physical and Sexual. There are common physical and behavioral signs that may indicate any of these types of abuse. The presence of one of these signs does not necessarily mean abuse or neglect. When I am assessing for likelihood of abuse, I look for clusters of the signs. If I see many of the signs together, I begin to suspect abuse and I report to a Government body (Police or Welfare) who can investigate and protect the child. Although every family’s … Continue reading

Alternatives to Smacking.

This is a sister article to: To Smack or Not to Smack? What is the Answer? Click here to read it. If smacking another adult is assault, it may be beneficial to train our children early not to smack people. Smacking is a behavior that belongs with the tactics of power and control associated with the Cycle of Violence. To break this cycle, we need to find alternatives to physical punishment when all we really want to do is lash out at our children. Children never deserve physical violence and learn nothing positive from such action. If we model alternatives … Continue reading