Unrighteous Dominion: Spouse to Spouse, Parent to Child, Child to Parent

This is, sadly, an all too common problem in the LDS community. But let me make this clear right up front: There are millions of good people belonging to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Unfortunately, there are also far too many who have succumbed to weaker passions and abuse their spouses and children, continuing to do so until the day they pass from this mortal life. This problem is not unique to the LDS Church, or even Christianity. Unrighteous dominion is found in every society, culture and religion. In reading several talks the brethren have given on … Continue reading

Spanking or Hitting?

Spanking, slapping, swatting, hitting, beating. Is one better than another? Aren’t they all just the same variation on a theme? I’ve heard the arguments; I’ve listened to the justifications. I understand it is open to interpretation. Some parents think those words represent a huge spectrum of actions against the child ranging from the necessary to the abusive. Some parents see them all as the same. I’ve heard parents threaten their child with a “beating” or suggest “If you don’t stop right now, I’m gonna beat your butt,” or other even less pleasant threats. Whether they follow through or even intend … Continue reading

What to Do if Your Child has Been Abused

No parent ever wants to even consider that his or her child has been abused. But with the number of abuse cases increasing every year it is important for parents to know what to do if they suspect or if their child tells them of abuse. According to professionals who work with abused children, as a parent your initial response is extremely important in determining how well your child recovers from the abuse. Also it is important that you follow some specific guidelines, in order to make a case against the abuser. Stay calm. Do not overreact. You want your … Continue reading

Teaching Children About Child Molesters

With child abuse numbers so high it is important that parents educate their children. Teaching children to be wary of strangers is not enough, since about 90% of abuse cases happen with an adult that the child knows and respects. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children stresses that parents need to teach their children using “clear, calm, reasonable messages about situations and actions to look for.” What We Need To Teach Our Children Child Help USA, an organization that offers support to children who have been abused or neglected, provides a list of prevention tips for parents to … Continue reading

Recognizing the Cycle of Domestic Violence

No one gets married expecting to become a statistic. Domestic abuse is a pattern of control and coercive behaviors, typically starting slow with a few little things and building over time. Abuse can involve physical, sexual, economic, emotional and psychological aspects of any relationship. Domestic abuse can effect anyone and has no social, economic, racial, religious and ethnic group limitation. Anyone can be a victim of domestic violence, but woman are the most common victims. Domestic abuse and violence can happen in any relationship and usually has nothing to do with love or the victims efforts to be the right … Continue reading

Avoiding Divorce

When two people get married, the last thing on their minds is getting divorced, yet every day, millions of marriages are failing and people are getting divorced. With such high numbers of divorces in this country, what makes any of us sure we won’t be next? The fact is, there are no guarantees in life, especially in relationships. Marriages are under a lot of pressures these days because of individual stress on the job and the normal stresses of every day life. Are there any measures couples can take to at least try to avoid getting to the point of … Continue reading