
I’d never heard much about acai before a friend gave me a smoothie-maker for Christmas. Along with the smoothie-maker, I was given a big bag of frozen berries and some packets of acai to kick off my blender experiments. First things first: acai is pronounced ah-sigh-ee. It comes from Brazil and is all the rage in anti-aging these days. You might not think acai is much to look at — but these tiny, dark red and purple berries have huge health benefits. They’re full of essential fatty acids. They’re full of antioxidants — anthocyanins are antioxidants that lend those deep … Continue reading

What’s Making My Hair Gorgeous: Fekkai or Bom Dia?

Something remarkable has happened atop my head the last couple of months: my hair looks shinier, healthier, more colorful than it has in years. (Like in over 20 years, since I was a teenager and my hair always looked healthy.) I haven’t colored it since last summer so I know it’s not that. In fact, when I first noticed this hair transformation it was around the time I should have been noticing the few grays I have and thinking about coloring again. Instead, I noticed my hair had changed color on its own. Not entirely changed, but the brown was … Continue reading

Do You Buy Food Delivered by Mail?

I do. Not everyday groceries, mind you. Most of what I order is stuff I can’t find in my favorite grocery stores. Take this acai (pronounced a-sigh-ee) stuff I ordered the other day from Acai Roots. Getting an Acai Fix I read an article about the benefits of acai berries, which come from Brazil and are supposed to be among the most nutritious and antioxidant rich foods on the planet. I’ve been buying Bolthouse’s Bom Dia line of acai drinks, but a friend of ours who’s from Brazil turned us on to Acai Roots’ product because it’s supposedly an even … Continue reading