She’s only 5 and Feeling the Stress!

My oldest is in Kindergarten, in a program for what they used to officially call “gifted” children. The teacher says she’s terrific and a fast learner. She grasps concepts quickly and knows how to apply them. She’s also well-behaved in class and works well with her peers. And she’ll probably end up experimenting with cigarettes at 13! Okay, I hope not. But the other day she did not want to go to school. She was crying about it. When my wife spoke to her in the car, she finally got the explanation. The kids write little stories in class and … Continue reading

Emotional Disturbance In Children

Children who are emotionally disturbed are eligible for special education and services, according to the Individuals With Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA). This means that special accommodations will be made for the student by the school district, to help the child succeed in school. What Constitutes an “Emotional Disturbance?” Any one or more of the following factors: 1. The child has physical manifestations of anxiety or fear associated with school attendance: This may include but is not limited to things such as shortness of breath, feeling faint, heart palpitations, or trembling; 2. The child is consistently depressed and … Continue reading