Projectile Vomiting and Your Baby

This is hardly a pleasant topic to write about much less mention, but I’ve seen both of my nephews go through similar problems involving projectile vomiting. Remember, spitting up is actually fairly normal for most babies whether they are breast or bottle-fed. We use towels and more to protect our clothing from these minor incidences. But what do you do when it’s not just a little bit of spit up? What if it’s not just some gas pushing a bit of the meal up and your baby is actually vomiting up everything they eat? Yes, It’s Scary It was far … Continue reading

The Baby Blog Week in Review Jan 6 – Jan 12

Good morning and welcome to the weekend. It was a great week here in the Baby Blog, I got one of my all time favorite people back as a co-blogger (hey Valorie!) and we are well on our way to delivering our promise made at the end of 2006. So without further ado, here is our week in review: Skin Color Changes – What Do They Mean? discussed what it means when your baby changes color from pink to white or white to bluish and more. It’s not always the sign of extreme danger and could just be representative of … Continue reading


Heartburn isn’t really about your heart. It is a common condition of the stomach and esophagus — more than sixty million Americans experience heartburn symptoms at least once a month. Heartburn is also known as acid indigestion. When you swallow, food goes down your throat and esophagus, through a valve called the lower esophageal sphincter, and into the stomach. The valve closes when you have finished swallowing. The stomach releases acids to break down the food and start the digestion process. If your lower esophageal sphincter opens too often or does not close tightly, stomach acid can creep back up … Continue reading

What Is GERD?

You may have heard of reflux, reflux esophagitis, or even hiatus hernia… all of these are names for GERD: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. GERD is a backflow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus. Just about everybody experiences reflux at some point in their lives — if you’ve had heartburn, you’ve probably had gastroesophageal reflux. GERD is a step beyond, when the reflux is bad enough and frequent enough to damage the esophagus and alter your quality of life. The main symptoms of GERD are: Heartburn Regurgitation of sour-tasting stomach acid into the mouth Difficulty swallowing or painful swallowing Chest … Continue reading