Spring Forward to Action 30-Day Challenge – Day 22: Cardio

Welcome to Day 22 of the Spring Forward to Action 30-Day Challenge. Today is a cardio focus day, so be sure to get involved in some cardio friendly fitness today. As we’re in the home stretch of the 30-Day Challenge, I’m going to encourage you to discover the fitness styles and types that you enjoy. If you like getting out in the sunshine and walking briskly, then that’s what you should do. If you enjoy an elliptical machine or stationary bike, then do that. The idea here is for you to not only do a cardio workout, getting your heart … Continue reading

Day 2: Spring Forward to Action 30 Day Challenge – Strength Training

Your strength training today will focus on the upper body. Strength Training You will need free weights and a balance ball for this workout. In the event that you do not have weights, choose two heavy cans from your pantry. Make sure the cans are balanced in weight and easy for you to grip. Shoulder Raises Using 10 lb weights (or cans), stand with your feet shoulder width apart, knees not locked. Hold the weights at your side, arms loose but straight. You will be performing front and side raises. Lift your right arm and hand straight up in front, … Continue reading

Mental Boosters for Fitness

The Spring Forward to Action challenge is nearly upon us and it’s important for you to take charge of your fitness and exercise. But how do you do that? How do you take on the challenge now when you believe you may have failed in the past? When you have struggled with fitness and exercise before? You do this by developing your own mental boosters for fitness. I can talk to you all day about the reasons why you should exercise. I can tell you the reasons why you should develop a better sense of fitness in your life. I … Continue reading