Attitude Affects Money

Attitude is everything. This common saying is true for financial matters as well. Your approach to spending and saving is ingrained in your attitude. Have you ever noticed how some people seem to get all the breaks, while others struggle with constant bad luck? What is different about these people? Think about it, do they approach life differently, have a different attitude? While it is not always the case, in general, people who seem to get all the financial good luck have a different attitude about money. We are all potentially at risk for a bout of bad luck. But, … Continue reading

Are You Bringing Compulsions Into Your Business?

Compulsive behaviors can be everywhere–they don’t just affect how we deal with our personal relationships or our own private way of coping with life. When it comes time to evaluate your business operations and how you are doing with your small, home-based business, you might need to see if you are bringing compulsive behaviors into your business operations… So, what constitutes compulsive behaviors? Any sort of addictions, or out-of-control behaviors can be detrimental to our businesses. Work-a-holism, chemical addictions, the need to be always in control and controlling, difficulty managing or using appropriate emotions, co-dependency, etc. All of these compulsive … Continue reading

Money is Power

Now certainly everyone has heard the saying, money is power. But what exactly does that mean for you? For many, the sensation of money is almost an addiction. Whether it is the thrill you get while shopping and spending or the excitement of that raise, it certainly creates a type of adrenaline rush. It is this rush that gives us the sense of power. Now, are we really more powerful when we have more money? In some circles maybe, but is that really what we all want? Do you want people to respect you and enjoy your company because you … Continue reading

Feeling out of control with your budget? A Hint

There are some days I just don’t like being on a budget. Today for instance. And yesterday, and the day before. Today I wanted to go spend some money at the bookstore. I don’t very often buy books, but when I do, watch out, I tend to purchase six on the same subject and devour them all. Right now I’m researching some fun creative projects and I just wanted info NOW! My perfect day would have been the bookstore and then to have hubby bring home some dinner. I didn’t do either of those. Instead I looked up some information … Continue reading

Day 8: Do You Try To Make Bargains With Yourself?

You know, I had to think about it. Is today Day 8 or Day 9? Or was it really day 7? I’m starting to lose track. I wrote about slipping yesterday and how it made me feel. I was surprised by how much the cigarette did not fill that need. It’s amazing to be so dependent on something for so long – to crave it and to feel irritable and grouchy about it and to finally cave and give into it only to discover, hey – that’s not really what I wanted after all. Makes you wonder what the heck … Continue reading

Day 6: Smokeless & Going Strong

Yesterday, my daughter I went to the grocery store to get bread and she looked at me and said Mommy, don’t you need to buy cigarettes? I said, nope – I haven’t smoked in five days. She grinned at me and announced “Your heart is going to be happier now, Mommy and so is mine.” Yes, that was my aw shucks moment. Apparently, my five year old saw a video in her physical education class about the need for great cardiovascular health and what can hurt your heart health. After watching it and knowing I smoked, it upset her to … Continue reading

Would You Kill for a Body Like That?

I remember seeing Halle Berry in Die Another Day and saying to my husband “I’d kill for a body like that!” No sooner were the words out of my mouth before I realized what I was really saying. If I would kill, what wouldn’t I do for a body like that? Wouldn’t I kill a few bad habits? Wouldn’t I kill a little time on a treadmill or an elliptical trainer? Wouldn’t I kill a little time planning my meals? Wouldn’t I kill my addiction to starch? I had to ask myself: “Would I really kill for a body like … Continue reading