Get an A+ in Marriage

Do you want to get an A + in marriage? Here are a few As to help you relate to your spouse and improve your marriage Acceptance Your spouse needs to know that you accept them as they are and that you are not always trying to change them and make them over into something they are not. They need to know they are loved unconditionally, not only when they do the things that please you and make you happy. Admiration Admiration might be as simple as telling your spouse that an outfit looks hot on them. Or it might … Continue reading

Sharing Your Admiration for Your Kids

I tend to catch myself doing a great deal of “bossy” parenting–giving direction and guidance and trying to shape my children’s behavior. As they get older, I have realized that where I really need to work is on letting go of the need to “parent” and sharing with my children how proud I am and how much I really do admire them. It seems to be human nature that the closer people are to us and the more attached and the more we care, the more likely we are to focus on flaws and problems. I am NOT sure what … Continue reading

Appreciation Exercises – Challenge Yourself

Do you ever feel like you and your spouse are doing the same things, day in and day out? Do your I Love Yous feel perfunctory? Do your conversations seem to echo the same words? Do you feel like your missing something vital from the pairing and you aren’t sure where it is? Marriage can be very comfortable and there is nothing wrong with that. But marriage also offers you some great opportunities. One of the ways you can enhance your appreciation and admiration for each other is to challenge your spouse and yourself. For example, have you always wanted … Continue reading