Pornography and Teenagers

It’s not an uncommon situation for a parent to suddenly walk into to their young male teenager’s bedroom and find them looking at porn. And in the blink of an eye, the screen reverts to something more savory. A parent in this position can be assaulted by a number of emotions: anger, revulsion or acceptance. Of course, what emotion you will experience depends on your view of pornography and, of course, the nature of the material that was viewed. But parents are often confronted with another realization. And that is that their little boy is not a child any more. … Continue reading

Sports Are Just A Game

There is no doubt that sports can have a positive impact upon kids. Belonging to a team gives kids an instant identity and group to belong with. They also learn skills like setting goals, dealing with adversity, and sportsmanship. Playing sports can also have a positive impact upon a child’s self-esteem. David Burnett, author of “It’s Just A Game!” says sports gives children some control. When playing sports kids “learn the rules of the game — and the more they learn, the more they are in control — and they’re going to learn about sportsmanship and [how] to control their … Continue reading